RB's statement about Tantric massage

I was changing my way, my way of thinking and I was afraid to tell my wife what she was doing, I didn't know if she would accept it.
After we talked about everything, she also told me that she did the same therapies. I realized how much we can improve.
Today we grew up together, in a beautiful, light, gentle walk with love.
We are much happier, our relationship has improved, it has improved with the children.
We are very grateful for the therapies, to you Lene for showing us that it is possible.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

deva nirav

I help men and women to awaken their essence, to take a new look at sexuality, self-esteem. Developing a body perception and releasing pre-established patterns through advanced and dynamic tools that promote easy awakening of vital energy, clarity, courage, expansion of [...] View full profile