Renato Wanderley's statement about Tantric massage

I often did a relaxing massage with Cassio, which was already quite satisfactory, mainly due to the low back pain that I sometimes have, but when I did the tantric I discovered something very new and extremely relaxing and pleasurable. It helped me to have more control over my body, erection and even orgasm. It helped a lot in terms of anxiety and the broader knowledge of the areas of my body of greatest sensitivity. I recommend that every man do and experience without fear ... shame or prejudice, after all Cassio is extremely serious and professional in what he does. I love it ... and whenever I can do it with him and recommend it, it will make you discover yourself and feel much lighter.

Renato Wanderley

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ghirichara (Cassio Neves)

Hey Tantralover, how are you? As a tantric therapist since 2013 I work developing people in your love life, relationally or professionally as therapists. My mission and goal is to take you to experience the new. Since 2013 I have helped hundreds of people to have their key turning points in [...] View full profile