V.'s statement about Tantric massage

The experience with tantra for me is getting in touch with my true nature, understanding my intentions, my feelings, cutting off the judgment of right or wrong. With the therapist Leonardo facilitating my path to self-knowledge, he has been teaching me a lot in massages, in conversations, in meditations on how to reframe the feelings, places, people and even our darkest emotions, which I didn't even want to admit, but as I go through this process of self-knowledge in his care, I feel much more connected with my feelings, with the reality that we are human, and that we are subject to failures and achievements, and the more we give ourselves to love the more he gives!

Tantra has been fundamental in my journey, I feel my physical, emotional and even spiritual much more open to the truth. The power of tantra with a sober facilitator like Leonardo is really intense, revealing, conscious. A professional, a person who is dedicated to helping others with all the joy and love in the world! I couldn't have found a better therapist than Leonardo! Auper I recommend! Thank you Leo!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Leonardo Pagal

Vibrational Tantric Therapist. Facilitator of Active Meditation Encounters. Instructor of Individual Tantric Massage Courses and wokshop CAMINHO DO AMOR. Qualified in some schools worldwide and by Metamorphosis, the best known in Brazil, Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage, uses the method for [. ..] View full profile