VA statement about Tantric massage

I can say that tantric massage has changed my life, because the self-knowledge it has given me is something inexplicable. I got to know my body fully. Today I say that I know what he is capable of and how much pleasure influences my daily life. I believe that everyone, at least once in their life, should have a tantric massage. We need to get rid of prejudices and learn a little more about ourselves. I recommend it to all people, but mainly to women who suffer so much in this sexist and prejudiced world.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Angelo (Devamito)

Certified Tantric Therapist specializing in sexual dysfunction. Instructor of Tantric Massage Courses for individuals and couples. I use the techniques in Tantric Massage to reeducate sexuality, develop the sensory and multi-orgasmic potential of the body, treat traumas and sexual dysfunctions and provide states [...] View full profile