Vania Afonso's statement about Tantric massage

I was depressed, discouraged, so a friend referred me to the Pagal Therapist, it was the best experience I had recently. I felt alive, powerful, as if nothing could shake me, feeling capable of everything. There is no way to explain this feeling with words, you have to live. I highly recommend it. I can't live without it.

Vania Afonso

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Leonardo Pagal

Vibrational Tantric Therapist. Facilitator of Active Meditation Encounters. Instructor of Individual Tantric Massage Courses and wokshop CAMINHO DO AMOR. Qualified in some schools worldwide and by Metamorphosis, the best known in Brazil, Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage, uses the method for [. ..] View full profile