Depoimento de Welington Feliciano sobre Tantric massage

Unfortunately, nowadays, much is still based on the sterile success clichés of our generation, as the human being, itself, is shown to be absent from welcoming ideals and bridges that are cemented with stigmas of beauty and sex such as validation search. With Pagal, through the Tantric technique, I realized new horizons that go beyond the physical body, with a focus on spiritual evolution/maturity. It is a unique and inexplicable sensory experience which connects you, through and together with meditation and proper breathing, with your being in an intense way, and at the end of the session, the feeling of empowerment is noticeable. Pagal was an AMAZING and SERIOUS professional, maintaining and propagating the Indian ideals regarding the subject in question. Gratitude!

Feliciano welington

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Leonardo Pagal

Vibrational Tantric Therapist. Facilitator of Active Meditation Encounters. Instructor of Individual Tantric Massage Courses and wokshop CAMINHO DO AMOR. Qualified in some schools worldwide and by Metamorphosis, the best known in Brazil, Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage, uses the method for [. ..] View full profile