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Active Meditation Meetings in Vila Madalena/SP

Investment: R $ 100,00 to R $ 320,00

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If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will have to awaken your potential, discover who you really are. Meditation is the path to this awakening. It is the methodology of knowing consciousness.

Many meditation techniques require that we feel quiet and silent. But for most of us the stress accumulated in our body / mind makes this difficult. Before we hope to be able to access our home from the inner energy of consciousness, we need to release our tensions and that is where Active Meditations come in - in motion, with dance, catharsis (freedom from what was repressed - anger, hurt, fear, crying, laughter ... .) and several body movements.

These works allow the release and expansion of the repressed energy, through spontaneous vibrations in the body, which emerge during the process, as well as the free expression of expression. These experiences relieve tensions and lead the person to understand what his automatic behaviors (conditioning) are and thus modify them. The person can be more real and spontaneous, which brings confidence and authenticity. They are transformative meditations that work with the totality of your Being in multiple aspects - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - providing an alignment in your unity.

You may ask yourself, "Do I need all of this?" Analyze how you were raised in your childhood and what situations in your life may have worked as repressive triggers and shapers of your behavior and that affect you to this day. If you have difficulties with some situations related to relationships, see if they can reflect the way you learned to survive.

Learn more:
Active Meditation Meetings
Meditation: The Source of Love

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weekly on thursdays


Rua Padre Agostinho Mendicute, 172 - 100 meters from Vila Madalena subway
Vila Madalena Space - Vila Madalena / SP


Single session: BRL 100,00

Monthly package: BRL 320,00



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