Registration page

Center for Improvement in Tantric Massage in Vila Madalena/SP

Investment: R $ 100,00 to R $ 320,00

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The Center is an open space for former students of Free Tantric Massage Courses and Training for Tantric Therapists to practice and receive Tantric Massage in a safe environment, developing their sensory capacity. The Nucleus is performed in groups, in the same dynamic that occurs in the Free Tantric Massage Courses, with pre-defined (double) polarities.

The work is coordinated by Metamorphosis therapists, who take turns guiding the participants in improving their techniques.


* The Center is open to everyone who has completed the Tantric Massage Course or Training in Tantric Therapy.

* We have a private group where people can chat and combine polarities for the Nucleus (request your access to the event organizer). For those who do not achieve a polarity, it is possible to contact the event organizer to check the possibilities.

Group link:

* Each massage lasts approximately 1 hour. During a Nucleus, each participant applies the massage once, and receives the massage once.

* Participants can only share the technique they have learned. For example, those who took the Sensitive Massage course can only apply Sensitive Massage at the Center. If the person tries to apply another method that they do not know or have not learned, they may be excluded from the Nucleus' participation.

* Payment must always be made before starting work.

* Each one is responsible for bringing the material to be used: Bath towel, Face towel, Single sheet, Grape seed oil or similar, and in the case of Yoni / G-Spot Massage, include Vibrator (Bullet) and batteries.

* It is possible to rent the material for use on the day of the Nucleus. Consult the organizer for values.

* It is necessary to reach the place with a minimum of 15 minutes in advance. When you arrive, prepare the room, tidying up your mat, preparing the sheet and making your Massage Kit available for work.

* Each day there is an exchange of massage between the pair, that is, each one applies and receives once. Each massage lasts approximately 1 hour.

* Cases characterized as harassment or abuse cause exclusion of the participant. The focus of the Nucleus' work is the development of sensitivity and the opportunity to improve the method. We recommend women to pay special attention to invitations to meetings outside the Center. Organizing therapists are not responsible for situations that occur outside the Nucleus.

Yes, I want to sign up!


weekly on tuesdays


Rua Padre Agostinho Mendicute, 172 - 100 meters from Vila Madalena subway
Vila Madalena Space - Vila Madalena / SP


Individual: BRL 100,00

Package 4 participations BRL 320,00



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