Registration page

Tantric Education in practice in São Paulo (Capital)/SP


Investment: 900 to 1.800

Register here:

Explore a journey of self-exploration, personal growth and fulfillment. Free yourself from limiting patterns, discover your individuality and become the best version of yourself. 
Here, we take care of your story and promote a profound healing process.

Deepen your spirituality and integrate it with sexuality through Tantric Education. Discover the potential of sexual energy, directing it in a conscious and healthy way. 

" This is level II of a series of meetings that provide an Integral Development of the Being through Tantric Education practices. Ideal for those who are just starting out and want to have their first contact with Tantra in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Reframing Touch and Feel

In this module, we will activate the body's bioelectric power. Extremely important energy to promote the physical, mental and spiritual development of human beings. This expansion occurs through the resignification of touch and feeling, which enables the understanding of the totality and Body Potential. During this practice, bioelectricity is awakened, a crucial organic component for the development and maintenance of life, which reverberates throughout the physical body and also exerts influence on emotions and the psyche. 

In this experience you will be led on a journey of self-knowledge and expansion of your sensoriality through massage techniques and active and vibrational meditation dynamics. 

You will learn 5 playing techniques to awaken your energetic power and improve the quality of your relationships. 


Yes, I want to sign up!



07 to 08/Sep/2024
start Saturday 8h, end Sunday 19h


- São Paulo (Capital) / SP


For Aos Caminhos students: R$900,00 

For those participating for the first time:

$ 1.800 Add to cart 
in until 12 x 180,00 installments on card


  • Includes breakfast and coffee break
  • Includes music playlist for later practice
  • Does not include hosting
  • Online Supplementary Content

Registration - Step 1
Registration deposit

180 in account:

pix key: [email protected]

Registration - Step 2

Fill in the Registration Form