Registration page

Tantric Education in Practice in São Paulo (Capital)/SP


Investment: 900 to 1.800

Register here:

Explore a journey of self-exploration, personal growth and fulfillment. Free yourself from limiting patterns, discover your individuality and become the best version of yourself. 

Here, we take care of your story and promote a profound healing process.

💙 The Emotional Body - Releasing tensions 

" This is level I of a series of meetings that provide an Integral Development of the Being through Tantric Education practices. Ideal for those who are just starting out and want to have their first contact with Tantra in a safe and welcoming environment. 

You can experience Tantra without the need for nudity or bodily touching. 

In this workshop we will use active meditation and breathing techniques to promote a state of relaxation necessary to transform the body - mind and emotions relationship where you can get in touch with a new reality and perspective on life, based on the deep and transformative power of body practices, self-responsibility and the development of healthy habits.
Practices that promote emotional release, relaxation of armor and reframing of content that conditions our actions and generates energetic blockages.  

Check out the main benefits of this practice:

Stress and anxiety reduction

Through meditation, breathing and relaxation, practitioners will learn to manage stress and anxiety, finding inner calm. This helps you face daily challenges with balance and centering.

Expansion of consciousness and spirituality

The experience expands consciousness, exploring personal spirituality and establishing a meaningful connection with the Divine, promoting a deeper spiritual dimension.

Development of confidence and self-esteem:

This experience promotes security and support, exploring human aspects such as spirituality, sexuality and personal expression. Develops self-esteem and confidence, strengthening the journey of personal growth.

Emotional unlocking

Combining body therapy and Tantric practices, these techniques promote the release of emotional blocks, inner transformation and personal growth. In addition to providing a great dive into self-knowledge, well-being and greater harmony with your own essence.


Yes, I want to sign up!



10 to 11/Aug/2024
start Saturday 8h, end Sunday 19h


- São Paulo (Capital) / SP


For Aos Caminhos students: R$900,00 

For those participating for the first time:

$ 1.800 Add to cart 
in until 12 x 180,00 installments on card


  • Includes breakfast and coffee break
  • Includes music playlist for later practice
  • Online Supplementary Content

Registration - Step 1
Registration deposit

180,00 in account:

pix key: [email protected]

Registration - Step 2

Fill in the Registration Form