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"Tantric Awakening: Connection and Transformation in Brasília - Experiential Tantric Massage Course for Mixed Class" in Brasilia/DF

Explore the essence of this transformative journey in our tantric massage experience, where men and women come together for a unique experience of deep connection and sensory expansion.

Our revolutionary approach combines ancient tantric massage techniques with modern psychological and spiritual insights, providing a safe and nurturing environment to explore your sensuality and orgasmic potential.

By joining this mixed class, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice the art of tantric massage, guided by experienced and passionate instructors. During the course, you will be encouraged to open up to new experiences, cultivating a deep connection with yourself and others.

Our experiences are not limited to just the physical aspect of massage, but also include guided meditations, breathing exercises and body awareness practices, all designed to awaken your vital energy and expand your awareness.

At the end of the course, you will not only have acquired practical skills in tantric massage, but you will also have experienced a profound change in your perception of sexuality and pleasure, leaving you lighter, freer and more joyful in your personal journey. Join us and discover the transformative power of tantric massage in a truly enriching mixed class.

Experience an intense weekend with life-changing experiences. A revolutionary method of expanding sensitivity and developing orgasm, enabling healing in the body, mind and emotions.

Participants experience a journey through their orgasmic potential, where they are guided and learn to guide the other to the ascension experience of Kundalini, leading to a state of Supraconsciousness and transcendence that we call Total Ecstasy - physical, emotional and spiritual, where there is no more separation and unity happens.

It is important to say that the experience of this course goes beyond all theoretical and practical content. You will get in touch with a new reference in dealing with human sexuality, naturally and spontaneously, without judgment. Going through this experience is a great learning experience that changes many paradigms, making life lighter and happier.



from Apr / 20 to Apr / 21/2024
start saturday 9 am, end sunday 17:30 pm


- Brasilia DF