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Training for NeoTantric Therapists in Itapeva/MG

Investment: R$ 7.100,00

Reserve your spot here

Deva Nishok has dedicated himself since 1996 to propagating and teaching his DN Method to people who want to be therapists or to those who just want to experience a deep immersion in the sacredness of basic sexual energy, which is the emphasis offered by his Method in Sadhana Comunna Metamorfose. He is the forerunner of new revised and updated approaches, linked to a new vision of Tantra, created by him, the “Systemic Vision of the Alchemy of Love”.

The Tantric Therapy market has never been as requested as it is today, where people look for solutions to sexual and relationship problems in a serious and world-renowned methodology that help them improve their sexual performance, the quality of orgasms and their personal development, which includes the process of awareness and transcendence of Kundalini, the basic sexual energy.

The Neotantric experiences that you will experience and learn open the understanding and perception to new sensory aspects present in the body that were never developed by conventional education or through social coexistence.

On the contrary, society obstructs the development of sensitivity insofar as it reinforces the need to develop only your intellect.

There is a whole range of sensory possibilities in your body waiting for the opportunity to develop and improve and the job of a NeoTântric Therapist is to “awaken and enhance” this latent potential in people.

The Deva Nishok Method is a highly resolving process for problems related to sexuality: emotional and psychological trauma from sexual abuse, behavioral disorders that produce insecurity, excessive shyness, social fears and phobias, sexual dysfunctions such as anorgasmia (lack of orgasms), dyspareunia (pain in the sexual act), male impotence, premature ejaculation and other difficulties that affect human well-being relationships.

NeoTantra is the deepest knowledge that exists about sexual energy, vital energy. Its correct use is responsible for beauty, youth and attraction between the sexes. Only NeoTantra has dared to teach this with the simplicity, purity and depth that the teachings need to be passed on.

Check in – Friday from 16 pm
Check Out – Sunday until 17 pm
Exchange and study center on Monday morning R$ 250,00

Yes, I want to sign up!


25 to 27/Oct/2024
start friday 20 pm, end sunday 16:30 pm


Estrada do Monjolinho - 120km from São Paulo
Communion Metamorphosis - Itapeva / MG


Investment: R $ 7.100,00
Includes 4 modules
Up to 12 installments of BRL 710,00

* Payment of the first installment at the time of booking
*Includes ovo-lacto-vegetarian food
* Includes comfortably shared hosting


  • Full board immersion for 4 modules
  • Includes music playlist for later practice
  • We organize rides between participants
  • Online Supplementary Content
  • Certificate Recognized by MEC


Reserve your spot here