event closed!


Experience an intense weekend with life-changing experiences.

Discover the power of sexual energy and experience incredible orgasmic potential like you never imagined, transform your relationship with vital energy through tantric and quantum practices in a safe and welcoming environment.

April 27th and 28th begins the biggest Tantra and self-development course: “FIFTY SHADES OF PLEASURE, LOVE AND LIFE”

An intensive two-day face-to-face course that can transform your life and is full of content, practical group activities, dances, guided breathing and connection exercises, active meditations and tantric massages

We will teach you in practice everything you always wanted to know about tantric massage
Techniques to increase libido and desire, improve your sexual performance and last longer in a relationship, in addition to various individual and group practices and dynamics, to work on your personal power and create more autonomy over your own body and pleasure

We will have tools to help you have more confidence in yourself, self-love
You will learn how to receive and give pleasure to others, learn to connect better with your partner, you will get to know your body better and the different types of orgasms you can feel

And so you will come away with several practical lessons to apply in your daily life and learn about yourself and transform yourself.

The course is a meeting with people willing to sincerely give themselves to the Tantric experience and experience everything that this experience can provide.
It is a meeting to let go, a meeting to allow yourself to live the experience with more intensity.

If you are single, this is a chance to explore your own energy and discover ways to relate in a more authentic and integral way.

If you are a couple, this experience will strengthen the connection between you, revitalizing the flame of love and intimacy.

We make sure that the experience is harmonious for everyone, whether couples or single people. Our coordinators have vast experience with groups and consultations, and provide an environment where friendship and respect are predominant, allowing very profound experiences to be lived without any connection with neurotic and corrupted patterns of sexuality predominant in our society.

After the course you receive online material and a playlist to carry out the practices.

• Certificate of participation
• Digital material for home studies
• Includes music playlist for later practice
• Includes breakfast and coffee break
• Does not include accommodation



from Apr / 27 to Apr / 28/2024
start Saturday 9h, end Sunday 20h


- Ipiranga / SP