event closed!

Private Tantric Massage Course in São Paulo (Capital)/SP

You will learn all the techniques of tantric massage applying in real time on a person. In case you don't have someone to take, I will hire the person who will be a model.

All techniques will be taught in detail by Therapist Ivy who will be at your side all the time demonstrating, guiding and correcting.

They are touches applied to the whole body and also to the genitals with the aim of leading someone to a different bodily pleasure, to having sensations never felt before and to a more intense orgasm.

The course is intensive and lasts 4 hours. If necessary it can be divided into two periods of 2 hours on different days.
It happens daily at a time to be agreed.

In case of doubts or for more information, feel free to contact us.

Experience an intense weekend with life-changing experiences. A revolutionary method of expanding sensitivity and developing orgasm, enabling healing in the body, mind and emotions.

Participants experience a journey through their orgasmic potential, where they are guided and learn to guide the other to the ascension experience of Kundalini, leading to a state of Supraconsciousness and transcendence that we call Total Ecstasy - physical, emotional and spiritual, where there is no more separation and unity happens.

It is important to say that the experience of this course goes beyond all theoretical and practical content. You will get in touch with a new reference in dealing with human sexuality, naturally and spontaneously, without judgment. Going through this experience is a great learning experience that changes many paradigms, making life lighter and happier.





Tatuapé Space - São Paulo (Capital) / SP