event closed!

Path of Love in Vila Madalena/SP

From Mind to Heart

Caminhos do Amor is a group experience where it is possible to connect with the source that generates life. A path where friendship, trust and commitment develop, in a much deeper dimension than we usually know.

The workshop brings us the experience of a new reality, a new perspective of living, leaving aside the discriminations and abstractions of the intellect, which prevent us from being natural and spontaneous, from feeling and living the reality of our own originality, guided by voice of intuition.

Our invitation is for you to come to know your inner home, the field where your soul and your heart flourishes.




from Apr / 27 to Apr / 28/2024
start Saturday 9h, end Sunday 18h


Rua Padre Agostinho Mendicute, 172 - 100 meters from Vila Madalena subway
Vila Madalena Space - Vila Madalena / SP