Registration page

Individual or Couple Tantric Massage Course in Florianópolis/SC

Investment: R $ 1232,00 to R $ 1700,00

register here

Individual or double course, always with prior appointment (day and time).
Individual courses with live model for practices.
This is a course for anyone who wants to learn the Tantric Massage technique and take it into their personal life.
Course with theory and practices:
- Introduction to Tantra
- Benefits of Tantric Massage
- Male/female genital anatomy
- Kundalini Energy and Chakras
- Sensitive Massage
- Tantric massage with cream
- Yoni Massage
-Lingam Massage

Yes, I want to sign up!





- Florianopolis / SC


R $ 1232,00 to R $ 1700,00

Amounts paid in installments with operator interest added


Fabi Prema Advita
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: 48 991799503

📍 Prema Advita Space
Rua Vidal Ramos, 140 Centro - Florianópolis/SC

Registration - Step 1
Registration deposit


PIX - Key (cell phone) 48991799503

Wire Transfer
Banco Itaú
AG 7973
CC 05448-4
CPF 702.165.410-34
Fabiane Cristina Paula dos Santos

Registration - Step 2
Fill in your information

You and the event conductor will receive a copy of this registration via email.

About your physical and emotional health

Have you recently experienced any of these conditions?