Amara AgniDevi - "Allow the body's energy to flow, remove the blockages, release that tightness and tension that are blocking your energy" Osho

Amara AgniDevi

"Allow the energy of the body to flow, remove the blocks, release that tightness and tension that is blocking your energy" Osho
Tantric Therapist 🦋
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Hi, I'm Amara AgniDevi, welcome!

I elevate your body, sensory and spiritual energy through tantric therapy and its numerous tools. We will work on your sensoriality, sexuality and your development as a human being - through cognitive and body interventions (such as: tantric massages, meditations, breathing exercises...)

Tantric body therapies are much more than just techniques, it is a work of reception and love that leads to a total deprogramming of concepts, breaking paradigms and cleaning the bodies of previous conditioning, thus bringing feelings of peace, joy, pleasure and ecstasy. .

Sensitive massage: A set of techniques and movements that activates the body's sensitivity through soft touches using the fingertips, stimulating pleasure and self-knowledge.

Total Ecstasy Massage: Focused movements to the genital regions (lingam-penis, yoniclitoris and vagina). They are stimuli with the aim of increasing the sensory aspects of the genital region, providing one of the greatest orgasmic pleasures.

These genital manipulations are techniques that have nothing to do with masturbation.

G SPOT Massage (female G-spot): A combination of stimuli made on the clitoris and specific points located in the vaginal canal (female G-spot), leading to new levels of pleasure.

Massage P SPOT (prostatic point): Stimulation in the lingam (Penis) and offering a special technique of penetration with the finger located in the rectal region, giving you a wide sensation of pleasure.

Tantra is NOT sex

Teachers and Experiences

2022 / Formation in NeoTântric Therapeutics / Comunna Metamorfose

2022/ Training in Tantric Therapeutics and Full Sexuality/ Evandro Palma

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available to therapists trained by Communion Metamorphosis.