Budhi Prem - Life begins when fear ends. Affection, Silence and Presence!

Budhi Prem

Life begins when fear ends. Affection, Silence and Presence!
Tantric and Holistic Therapist - SAO CAETANO DO SUL - SP

Hello I'm Budhi Prem


I am the Coordinator of Espaço SuryaDas located in Sao Caetano do SUL - SP - Bairro Sta Paula.

My Degrees and Training:

Advertiser, Graphic Designer, Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Psychoanalyst Tantra Yoga Teacher (Ananda Marga), Floeresta Medicine Ceremonialist and Universalist Spiritualist.

I studied, experienced and practiced the philosophy of tantra in 6 schools in the National Territory, including the Metamorphosis Center. (Vila Madalena in 2008 and Commune in 2015)

In my calls to the entire Public I use the Deva Nishok method.

 Tantra appeared in my life as a curiosity, I wanted to know what it was about, I started reading and researching and ended up entering a formation without knowing exactly where I was stepping. And that was when the magic happened, I learned by experiencing that tantra allows us to release the bonds that society holds on us, and that make us stop living life to the full. Through tantric therapy, I discovered that I can allow myself to live the things that make me happy, to breathe more, to connect with my body and to feel more pleasure, and as a consequence of all this I learned to have better and healthier relationships. 

It was then that I decided to study and experience tantric therapy, in order to be able to show other people all this fullness to which tantra gives us access.

The format of the sessions varies according to the search of each person who seeks me, together we define the best way to reach the expected result. 

It is interesting to align massage therapy with meditation and especially breathing, because through breathing we can access and reframe many of the blocks and patterns that are recorded in the physical body.

Tantra promotes relaxation of both the physical and mental bodies, which helps to treat cases of stress and anxiety. It treats sexual dysfunctions (premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction). 

Teaches you how to achieve high levels of pleasure and connection, both alone and as a couple.

Allow yourself to experience all the benefits that tantra can provide!

Teachers and Experiences

  • 2008 - Tantra - Temple of the Moon Tantra - Mogi das Cruzes SP
  • 2009 - Tantric Massage free course - Vila Madalena SP Metamorphosis
  • 2010 - Tantric Therapist - Humaniversidade Holistica- SP
  • 2012 - Holistic Therapist - Humaniversidade Holistica- SP
  • 2013 - Meditations Ativa Osho - Escola Namaste - SP
  • 2014 - Tantra Yoga Training - Ananda Marga - SP
  • 2014 -Tantric Therapist - Advanced Tantra - Sacred Relationship - with master Ronald Fuchs- SP
  • 2015 - Tantra Communna Metamorphosis - MG
  • 2015 - Tantra - Osheanic - Fortaleza - CE
  • 2016 - Tantric Therapist - Cia do Ser - SP
  • 2016 - Tantra Pulsation - Anesha Dilon (Disciples Osho) - MG
  • 2017 - Xamanico Therapist - Cruzeiro do Sul - AC
  • 2018 to 2023 - Teaching Tantric practices

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