Deva Viresha (Márcia) - I am passionate about the work and firmly believe in the healing and transformation capacity that tantric massage can offer.

Deva Viresha

I am passionate about the work and I firmly believe in the healing and transformation capacity that tantric massage can offer.
Tantric Integrative Therapist
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Integrative Body Therapist, uses the Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage to provide altered states of Perception and Consciousness through the techniques of Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Lingam Massage and P-Spot Massage, Tantric Therapeutics.


 Holistic Therapist; modalities of Massage Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Psychosomatic Shiatsu, Moxibustion, Use of Hot Stones, Chinese Pindas, Chromotherapy, Aromatherapy, Brief Psychotherapy, Individual Family Constellation, Healing with Crystals, to offer a complete and personalized approach with the objective of helping to integrate the body and the emotions of the individual."

Teachers and Experiences

Testimonials received by Viresha

It was a very intense course, I went through many intimate transformations in each module. I improved techniques that I had learned before, I accessed knowledge from other lives during the practices, I healed from a lot of things I had inside me. At the end of the course, I got the biggest gift of all! I found the woman of my life! Joara, I love you from the essence of my being! Gratitude for all the experience lived in this course!

Roberto Vinícius Ferreira Castanha

com Viresha on 07/03

I unblocked a sexual abuse that I suspected but it was confirmed, I released my feminine energy that was blocked a lot by this issue

T. P. S. A.

com Viresha on 03/03

If you did a session, record your testimonial :)

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