Gaya Alessandra - Develop a new way of living, better understanding your essence, in order to obtain knowledge, personal power *physical*emotional health

Gaya Alessandra

Develop a new way of life, better understanding its essence, in order to obtain knowledge, personal power *physical*emotional health
Complementary Integrative Therapy

What is the purpose of the work I propose?

• Work with all the techniques that were part of the CO-CREATION of my story, using the concept of ancient Hindu MATRIARCHAL civilizations, adapted to the contemporary world and the current stage of the human soul.

• Seek the "Essential Spirit" that is within ourselves, in nature and in all beings, creating a sacred atmosphere that allows us to go beyond the rational to obtain greater physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance.

• Develop a new way of living, better understanding its essence, establishing communication with other levels of reality, in order to obtain knowledge, personal power, balance and health.

>> Book an appointment by clicking here

My path to self-knowledge began when I realized that the worldly values ​​in which my life was immersed no longer made any sense. Realizing that the beliefs and patterns that fed my way of acting could no longer be part of me, I plunged into the deconstruction of everything I learned and believed to be true.

Throwing yourself in the empty space of POSSIBILITIES, and consequently in a world of uncertainties, and of non-control, is scary! I confess that it was not an easy task, but at the same time it was transformative.

Know that it is possible, but the first step needs to be taken.

In this process, I realized the extreme importance of physical activity and good nutrition, crucial factors for the production of well-being hormones, and thus keeping the metabolism (rhythm) active. In the emotional sphere, I sought support in Orthomolecular Therapy and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), medication, I used florals, quantum assets, going to seek self-knowledge in Pro-Life. The beginning of my activities as a facilitator was a natural consequence of my own inner process. I started to guide meditation groups and Deeskha Giver. In other elements such as Hypnosis, Systemic Constellation and Psychoanalysis, I was able to write my stories and co-create my new way of acting on this plane. Yoga came adjusting breath, body and mind, and at this point I imagined I had reached the axis adjustment. But life is built on learning, and at times I confess that even with all the knowledge we have, the gear can get screwed up, and with that I became aware that life is an eternal journey. 

We are born into a body in the form of a female or male gender, this body is libidinal and active. This understanding brought to light the perception that the stories I lived from as a girl until I became a woman, took away my power of being. This happened when I had my first contact with Tantra. Her therapy provided fertile ground for changes and transformations, and all the processes that I immersed myself in awakened my passion for study, self-knowledge and human development.

Teachers and Experiences

  • Bachelor in Social Communication, twenty-five years of experience in the business center as a Business Administrator and Management Consulting
  • 2011 Aromatherapy, Chromotherapy; Geotherapy: Crystal Therapy; Florals, Phytoenergetics – Treatments with medicinal herbs;
  • 2011 University of Holistic IET Courses - Radionic Table / Régia Prado
  • 2013 Deeksha Giver / Oneness University, Group Facilitator, Guided Meditation and Ananda Mandala;
  • 2015 Certified in Ericksonian Hypnosis by the ACT Institute with trainer Stephen Paul Adler-Phd (Accredited Certified Training), specialization:
    • Depression, Dissociation and Attachment Disorders;
    • Age Regression and Progression;
    • Past Life Regression Therapy with Metaphors for Healing.
  • 2015 Rebirthing with an emphasis on Peri and Prenatal trauma, with trainer William R. Emersom, Ph.D. and Yiri Dollekamp;
  • 2015 Enabled: Betty Alice Erickson (daughter of Milton Erickson / creator of Ericksonian Hypnosis) in CONVERSATIONAL TRANCE; NY
  • 2015 Tantric Therapist; Training in the Deva Nishok Method and Facilitator of Active Meditation groups developed by Osho;
  • 2015 Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM - Instituto Hollos São Paulo;
  • 2016 ACT Institute Certified with Trainner Stephen Paul Adler: The 6 C”S Methodology, Activating Brain Neuroplasticity;
  • 2016 ThetaHealing Practitioner - Graduated from the Vianna Stibal institute (THInKThetaHealing institute of Knowledge®);
  • 2016 Holistic Humaniversity School: Facilitators of Experiences, Body Games, Leadership and AnimaSoma Techniques: *(BIONERGETIC, body movement to release unlocks based on the studies of Wilhelm Reich, Carl Jung, Gaiarsa);
  • 2016 Certified by Florescer Bento: O Resgate do Benzimento;
  • 2017 Studying Psychoanalysis IBCP – Brazilian Institute of Sciences and Psychoanalysis;
  • 2018 Humaniversity School: Rebirthing Experiences;
  • 2018 Hatha Yoga Instructor, certified by the Simply Yoga school, Professor Marcos Shultz and Deni Filetti;
  • 2019 Certified by BioQuanta in Bioresonance and Vibrational Therapy;
  • 2019 Graduate student at the Faculty of Health - CIEPH Lato Sensu in Quantum Biophysics applied to health;
  • 2019 Certified by Instituto Moreira in Therapeutic Practices in Ozone Therapy;
  • 2019 Certified by Caixa Cursos - Ozone Therapy Practices and Protocols;
  • 2019 FisioQuantic - Biophysics and Metabolic Syndrome Treatments;
  • 2019 Brazilian Academy of Therapies - Orthomolecular Therapy Course - Heloísa Bernardes;
  • 2020 Gastrointestinal Health Intensive - Brazilian Institute of Functional Nutrition (IBNF)
  • 2020 Update Course in Therapeutic Bandage Application. Albert Einstein Teaching and Research Institute
  • Basic and Advanced Neural Therapy Course, Joel Alves School, Rio de Janeiro, 2021
  • New Integrative Health, Congress of Integrative Health and Biophysical Technology, 2021.
  • Postgraduate in Biophysics and Integrative Medicine, New Science Institute of Biotechnology, year 2021.
  • Graduate in Ozoniotherapy, by the CER Brasília Institute, year 2021.
  • Inserted in the Training and Mental Development Program – PRÓ-VIDA.
  • Accredited to SINATEM SP - National Union of Integrative Naturist Therapists of SP - Registration CTN/SP No. 03747
  • Accredited to SATOSP - Union of Acupuncturists of São Paulo - registration No. 3453

Testimonials received by Gaya

"A while ago, although I didn't know it, I was looking for some meaning for my existence. It was at this moment that life introduced me to Gaya. Instigated by curiosity, I started a therapeutic relationship. With a huge love, combined with a fantastic experience and techniques, she led me to discover myself, step by step. Today I can see how badly I was with myself at that time. After some time together, I feel flooded with myself today, with another willingness and vision to restart on a new road. Thankful to life! Gratitude is the expression that best reveals my feeling for Gaya. Gratitude for her dedication, for her experience, for her Light and for her willingness to share it with me. proposed to help me discover this new road, lighter, more confident, more pleasant, more loving, more enlightened. Gratitude! "Gaya, I always think I could have written better, but that's how my heart wrote. A kiss with all exp resignation of my affection. Adalto Feitosa / 54 years old / Belo Horizonte - MG / Businessman

Adalto Feitosa

Experienced Tantric massage com Gaya on 04/02

Sharing here my experience with the Detox program with this wonderful being Alessandra Gaya. Just before meeting Alessandra and her program, I was going through a process in my life of many emotional and physical disturbances, I was eating poorly, sleeping poorly, many sabotaging actions in various fields of my life including professional and loving. I met Alessandra in a self-knowledge course and between conversations she shared her program with me, I was interested and when I saw it I was already doing it. In the beginning it wasn't easy because it was a much more internal change than external, a huge commitment to the purpose I exposed her and what the program would bring. And the whole program was wonderful, the experience of living it and the understanding that it is for life, not just for the sections that we closed. This program was held in 2018 and since then it has had an impact on me to this day. A unique, liberating experience that contributed to an improvement in sleep, food, health, mood and also for the emotional aspect. It helped me to make wiser and more accurate decisions in my daily life, it brought the long-awaited and dreamed balance. And of course I want to do recycling with her again and I highly recommend the program.

Fernanda Dias

com Gaya on 07/09

What has accompanied me the most these weeks is the liberating feeling that all this work with tantra has given me!!! It is not just about freedom, but also about transcendence and expansion of consciousness. Our last 2 encounters were unique! A unique and liberating experience. I've never experienced anything like this, free (if not 100%, I think I'm almost there!! ) from the masks or the game of domination. I have always suffered from this power game that is established in relationships. For the first time I was able to surrender without fear, without guilt, without masks, without conventions or roles to be followed. This is just libertarian!!!! It's a reunion with myself. A deep dive inside me!! Living it was very good, very magical, very meaningful and very unique. So I want to share with you all this feeling of freedom, self-responsibility and gratitude. Thank you for leading me into tantra!! There were a lot of meetings, so I'm not just referring to the last ones, but the whole process!!! You were a great teacher and friend who guided me on this incredible road that is tantra!!! I am really happy!!! Very much!!! I want to delve deeper into tantra!!!! kiss!!!!!!!!!!


com Gaya on 31/10

Changes are brought about and perceptions are sharpened ... a new way of thinking arises and the consequent transformation, revision of values, new ideas, new life ... Gaya is special to me. I had the opportunity to practically start with her in her appointments; one of the first, and I remain today. His touch, his words always well put, his affection, are unusual! Anyway ... all this and more. So is Gaya Anand !!


Experienced Tantric massage com Gaya on 10/05

Since we marked up to that moment bringing out sensations, insights. I feel that it purified my being, I am lighter, it seems that all my bodies are in me, I believe it was a watershed. I realized the energy in every point of my being, discovered in points with a lot of energy, pleasure! I have trouble breathing and yesterday it flowed very well without the pillow, I transcended! I slept wonderfully without waking up in the middle of the night as usual, I feel my skin softer, with more disposition, lucidity, with much more energy, more love overflowing ... Being led by you when touched by the energies to the creator there are no words, as you said just "feel, let it flow" ... Gaya gratitude for the professionalism, opportunity, teachings, was a director.

Marco Antonio

Experienced Tantric massage com Gaya on 28/01

Gaya Alessandra was very attentive, a dedicated professional with deep knowledge, her work was fundamental for me to be able to deal with my blocks and better understand sexual energy was liberating for me.

Leandro Benigno

com Gaya on 28/01

Here is a very dedicated professional and full of virtues. I was very impacted by this treatment. It brought me immediate healing and I recommend it to everyone. I am very satisfied with the results.

Maria Simões

com Gaya on 07/05

My last session had totally different characteristics from the others and it started even before the session started. As soon as the session began, I entered a deeply welcoming, peaceful hypnotic trance, in which I connected deeply with my body and sensations, something that does not usually happen due to my agitated mind. My whole body reacted differently, my mind became silent, body sensations became more evident, and I could realize the immensity of consciousness and how the thoughts and ideas that arise are insignificant compared to this greater consciousness. In this session I realized the importance of turning off the mind and observing the sensations, letting the body and breathing flow and for the first time I reached orgasm in the session without doing absolutely anything. I just let it happen and it was a physical, orgasmic explosion. My whole body was involved, it was an orgasm that came from deep inside. My breathing was completely involved, I don't know how to explain it, but I felt something different, as if a new door had been opened and new perceptions had been created. I think that maybe surrendering and learning to surrender is a process, a construction. This may take some time, but it's worth it. The post-orgasm was something inexplicable, the feeling of pleasure and joy reverberated throughout my body and my conscience. I felt a sense of connection with myself and with the universe, a well-being, a feeling at ease as if I were at home and this reverberated both in the post session and the other day as well.


com Gaya on 29/11

"My search for self-knowledge and support in building paths to face some" personal turbulence "led me to discover Gaya Anand. Gratitude for growth and awakened serenityCarlos Sahium / 56 years old / São Paulo-SP / Psychology training and Executive Management Consultant

Carlos Sahium

Experienced Tantric massage com Gaya on 04/02

Today I can only thank you because in addition to taking me out of a beginning of depression, it also made me see sexual energy as something sacred. During therapy I accessed several layers that were gradually being transformed in my life. I started to explore my potential in all areas, professional, relationship everything. I just have to thank

Raphaela Hernandes de Souza

com Gaya on 22/03

I found Gaya Alessandra to be very professional and knowledgeable. She conducted the session very well, making me very confident and comfortable throughout the entire process.


com Gaya on 21/08

"We talked a little about my life, both with regard to sexuality, as well as the social part. The interview is important to get to know the patient better. I talked about my experiences in my sexual relations. We women need to free our bodies, get to know ourselves , it was a very good experience that reverberated in my daily life and I had a self-knowledge in relation to my body and my external relations. "NCRN / 57 years old / São Paulo - SP / Psychoanalyst


Experienced Tantric massage com Gaya on 04/02

Tomorrow completes a month that I start my therapeutic process with Alessandra. The feeling I have is that I have regained the strength, vigor and disposition I had 20 years ago. It has positively impacted all areas of my life. Neural Therapy combined with Detox and the other techniques that Alessandra introduced to my treatment have brought results that I never thought I would get in terms of disposition and quality of life. This is the proposal that Alessandra made since my first contact with her: "We will take care of you systemically". At first, I didn't quite understand what this meant, but as I came across a therapist, and a therapy, that embraces the patient as a whole, I began to understand perfectly. The most interesting thing is that who brought these answers was my own body. Led by Alessandra, my body began to communicate with me and this was the most precious encounter of my life. I recommend the therapist Alessandra Tatiana to all who truly desire this meeting with themselves, she is the appropriate and qualified professional to promote the discovery of the totality of their Being.


com Gaya on 28/07

The session with Gaya was sensational. In addition to the massage, we initially talked about various issues, and as she is an enlightened person, she managed to put another perspective on the problems. If I could, I would spend hours in these philosophical conversations. As important as conversation, massage promotes moments of reflection with the help of breathing, self-knowledge, confidence and relaxation. I'm always in contact with this amazing professional.


com Gaya on 15/07

I've done this type of massage with other professionals, but Gaya was amazing. Very professional, very knowledgeable. I had a very intense and pleasant experience. I recommend


com Gaya on 13/05

It was a spectacular experience, hard to describe. Only feeling on the skin to get a real sense of the power and energy experienced. It is worth mentioning the very pleasant environment and the professionalism of the therapist Gaya, who was exceptional, both in the therapeutic session and in the course taught. An experience that exceeds all expectations.


com Gaya on 02/08

Getting to know Tantra through Gaya was a great gift for me. Working with her was profound and transformative. It is much more comprehensive than just a massage, it is a super complete process and seeks to develop the being in its entirety. Self-knowledge, nutrition, healthy habits and self-esteem are all developed jointly and harmoniously. I highly recommend this work for anyone who wants to develop through Tantra. Undoubtedly a watershed in my life. RDM


com Gaya on 02/08

RENAISSANCE and PSYCHOTHERAPY When I arrived at Gaya, I was in a very troubled phase. I had many questions, I was stressed, exhausted and unhappy. Gaya showed me that a healing process can be kind and that, more importantly, I can achieve everything I desire by being kind to myself. Every session left with an insight that generated action in my life. One of the (several) results of this process was deciding to live on the beach and today I am very happy with my new life and remembering every day to be kind to myself! Gaya is a qualified, extremely empathetic and welcoming professional who spares no effort to help you go through what you need to go through. In addition, he has an admirable life story, determination and courage. I strongly recommend your work.


com Gaya on 24/05

I made a point of giving this testimony. I met Gaya through the website, I marked and I was surprised with many good things she had to offer help. At that time with many personal problems I started doing ThetaHealing, then tantra is meditation and tantra course for self knowledge. I can say that my life changed a lot in the first ThetaHealing activity, it helped me a lot as a person and to make some important decisions for me. Thank you Gaya.


com Gaya on 28/01

If you did a session, record your testimonial :)

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