Júlia (Gayatri) and Eduardo (Gupta) - We believe in the power of tantra for relationships. Discover more pleasure, more dedication and more love between you.

Júlia (Gayatri) e Eduardo (Gupta)

We believe in the power of tantra for relationships. Discover more pleasure, more dedication and more love between you.
Tantric Therapists
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We are tantric therapists and, as partners, we are especially dedicated to tantra experiences for couples.

We believe in the transformative potential of tantra for each person and also for relationships, because we ourselves experience great transformation processes in our journey as a tantra couple.

For us, relationships offer a space of security and intimacy that can enhance, at the same time, the pleasure of being with each other and each person's authenticity.

Tantra and tantric therapy offer you tools that move the relationship, build intimacy, change patterns and ignite the couple's desire. Together, you can discover that the body offers infinite paths and experiences of pleasure for those who set out to explore.

We are here to guide you on this journey, offering the key to this discovery.

We serve people of all genders and relationships of any configuration, including non-monogamous. We also provide individual consultations and courses, get in touch.


- Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation

- Lack of lubrication, difficulties in penetration

- Difficulty reaching orgasm or feeling pleasure

- Pornography addiction

- Traumas and blocks with sexuality

- Loss of connection and intimacy

- Low libido

- Relationship problems

- Agreements in the relationship



We value offering each person and each couple that comes to us a personalized service or development sequence according to the moment, history and issues of each person. Below, we explain some possible experience formats. Get in touch so we can understand together the best path for you.

Therapeutic Session for Couples

Duration: 1 hour

A space for conversation with one or two therapists for you to understand tantra in more depth and bring up your questions and desires. We show ways for you to start working with them and we also direct the next experiences of sessions or courses, depending on what makes the most sense for your search.

Tantric Experience for Couples

Duration: 2 hours

Session led by just one therapist, so that the couple has an experience of discovery and exchange based on connection techniques, activation of the senses and tantra body touch. In this session format, all touches are exchanged between the couple, with only the therapist's vocal guidance. At the beginning, there is also a moment of conversation in which the couple learns about tantra and also brings up the issues they would like to work on.

Therapy and Tantric Massage Session for Couples

Duration: 3 hours

Session led by both therapists, so that the couple goes through the experience of receiving a tantric massage together, each from one of the therapists, sharing the same environment. Before the massage, we also guide the couple through fundamental tantra connection techniques, which are simple to take into the relationship. At the beginning we have a space for conversation and explanations about tantra, in which the couple begins to understand the tantric view of sexuality and how it can contribute to the relationship, and then experience this path through body techniques.

Free Course of Tantric Massage for Couples

Duration: 5 hours

Discover your body together like never before. In the Free Course, which can be led by one or both therapists, you will learn the main tantric massage techniques: the body touch of Sensitive Massage and the tantric genital touch techniques (Lingam Massage and Yoni Massage), as well as tools of connection. More than a massage course, our Free Course is designed for you to understand in depth the vision that tantra offers of the body, pleasure and sexuality. This means that knowledge and techniques are brought into the relationship in a more natural and versatile way.

Delerium – Multiorgasmic Training for Couples

Duration: 8 hours

The most intense and complete tantra experience for couples, to develop intimacy, improve pleasure and deepen the connection. Delerium offers couples a wide range of techniques to learn, practice and develop in tantra. In addition to touch, with the same massage techniques learned in the Free Course, Delerium's techniques also encompass the other senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste), offering the couple a sensorial dive. Specific techniques are also taught to increase pleasure during penetration. Due to the depth of experience, Delerium makes it possible to work on the relationship as a whole, bringing improvements to the relationship beyond sexual life. It can be led by a single therapist, or by both. All touches and exchanges take place between the couple, with explanation and guidance from the therapist(s).

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