Mirian Tantra - Awaken your energy, awareness and self-care for stress, anxiety, depression and more, with Tantric Therapy and Massage.

Mirian Tantra

Awaken your energy, awareness and self-care to stress, anxiety, depression and more with Tantric Massage and Therapy.
Tantric and Body Therapist

@mirian. tantra 


Accredited since 2018 uses the Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage, Somatic Sexual Education, Breathing to provide altered states of Perception and Consciousness through the techniques of Tantric Therapeutics, Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni and Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P- Spot Massage, awakening maximum and lasting pleasure, through sensitivity, subtlety, disinhibition, among others.

Sessions include body practices, attention and release of stored emotions, making room for body wisdom, more pleasure and intimacy. All this in a calm, non-judgmental environment with confidence and openness.

The science of tantra is that you use the body to interfere and stabilize the mind. It is the knowledge that, through actions in the body, you start to mold a mental state that you prefer. The practice of Tantra is a path that leads to better self-awareness in order to achieve harmony and balance, aspects that help self-esteem, inner feeling, the ability to make decisions and live in the present moment.

Self-awareness and unconditional acceptance are the rewards of this knowledge.

Teachers and Experiences

  • 2018 Training in Pompoarism by the Metamorphosis Institute
  • 2018 Conscious Touch - Paula Fernanda.
  • 2017 Systemic Integral Coaching (VATS Febracis)

Testimonials received by Mirian

It was a wonderful experience! Mirian is a fantastic therapist. Welcoming, attentive, very friendly and with fairy hands. I felt my body energize at her soft, powerful touch. Now, her prostate massage is nothing short of wonderful. The orgasm was out of this world. I'm still in awe of this fantastic experience. I want it again.


com Mirian on 06/01

Amazing experience. Mirian made me very comfortable and explained everything that would happen in the section. Everything went very smoothly and relaxed. I've never experienced anything like it. I plan to go back whenever I get the chance.


com Mirian on 12/01

I was surprised by the service received by Miriam, an excellent professional, punctual, with an unparalleled charisma, very attentive, she carried out the procedures with great dedication in a pleasant environment, without haste, we had an initial conversation, where she explained the procedures clearly . recommend without fear of making mistakes.


com Mirian on 07/12

Congratulations for the service, attention and affection. I highly recommend you. I'll be back many times… It's worth it.

Paulo Souza

com Mirian on 15/02

Regarding the tantric massage done by the professional Miriam Mello, a great massage by a polite person, attentive and concerned with all the details!!


com Mirian on 07/12

My husband and I had been having marital problems and our relationship was very strained. We look for the tantric massage course to improve our affinity and intimacy. The course was great, Mirian Tantra talked, taught, asked questions and with that we opened up to talk about what bothered each one and we improved. We also learned a lot about sex toys, were introduced to a lot of new ideas that we are trying out and loving.

Janaine da Silva

com Mirian on 12/02

Very professional, attentive and very polite. Congratulations on professional Mirian.

Tom Pereira de Siuza

com Mirian on 06/12

The tantric massage experience provided by Miriam is always very pleasant and pleasurable, due to her exceptional skill, dedication, professionalism and sympathy. It is simply enchanting!


com Mirian on 05/12

I felt very ashamed of my body and could not relax with my partner and after the massage I found myself a seductive, sensual and fiery woman. It was easy to reach orgasm with or without penetration and it greatly improved my sexual performance and the way I perceive my instincts, providing more pleasure for me and my partner.


com Mirian on 07/12

My wife and I did a couples tantric massage course with Mirian Tantra and everything was great. We felt super comfortable, my wife and I were introduced not only to tantra maneuvers, but also learned a lot about sex toys, how to use them together and separately. It was a course that changed our view of sex and our sex life as a whole.

Sandro R. C. Silva

com Mirian on 12/02

Mirian received me very well, made me feel very comfortable with her incredible energy! With a wonderful relaxing massage that helps in the process of concentration and relaxation. Tantric massage provides wonderful moments of pleasure, orgasms, energy and connection. A wonderful experience! Give yourself to that magical moment!

Thiago Borboleta

com Mirian on 12/01

Mirian is very friendly, pleasant, attentive and the massage is delicious. Soft hands, delicate touch and highly relaxing. I strongly recommend.


com Mirian on 06/12

A very rich therapy, I feel an evolution and improvement in several aspects of my love and sex life🙏🙏👏 I'm still new on the journey! I'll continue, later on I'll give another testimonial🙏🙏🙏 Professor Mirian, a very capable and dedicated professional🙏🙏👏👏 a novelty in every class🙏 Always evolve🙏🙏🙏 A hug!! FMA

Fabio Moreira

com Mirian on 15/12

I was delighted with Miriam's friendliness, beauty and professionalism. He took care of me very well, with all the affection and care. A unique experience that deserves to be repeated. I came to her distressed and tired, and left feeling refreshed. I highly recommend it.


com Mirian on 07/12

Mirian Melo is a very competent and qualified professional in the field of therapeutic massage. I have been doing professional work with her for a long time and I have nothing to complain about, on the contrary, I only have reasons to praise her.


com Mirian on 07/12

Mirian Melo is a very competent and qualified professional in the field of therapeutic massage. I have been doing professional work with her for a long time and I have nothing to complain about, on the contrary, I only have reasons to praise her.


com Mirian on 07/12

If you did a session, record your testimonial :)

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