Prem Hamido (Daniel) - Love heals, Love frees, Love transforms!

Prem Hamido (Daniel)

Love heals, Love frees, Love transforms!
Vibrational Tantric Therapist
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Tantric Therapist trained by Comunna Metamorfose, Private Delerium Instructor - Multiorgastic Training for Couples with (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni Massage and Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot Massage),

Serves men, women and couples (heterosexuals and LGBT's). He has worked in Body Therapy for 17 years with experience in energy fields and subtle physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, having already served more than 4000 people on this journey. With Tantra, he has been working with people for 10 years every day!

Trained as a reiki master, radiesthesia and apometry - identification, cleaning and energy correction techniques - he teaches courses in the area for personal use. Graduated as an analyst and behavioral specialist in Enneagram by Ibeth (Brazilian Institute of Enneagram and Holistic Therapies). Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Ceará.

Teachers and Experiences

  • 2024 Studying the Enneagram for Therapists - 4 approaches and paths to using the Enneagram in the professional setting: Path of consciousness, Path of the heart, Path of the body and Path of connections,
  • 2023 Gamma Apometric Liberation Course - Advanced
  • 2022 Undergraduate training Course Physical Education UFC
  • 2021 Enneagram Behavioral Analyst and Specialist - Ibeth
  • 2020 Apometrics Course Apometrica Liberation Gamma
  • 2019 Reiki Training Level 3-B (Master's) Facilitator and coordinator: Raquel Sá
  • 2019 Training in Apometry Instituto Manas Psykhé
  • 2018 Master Enneagram Training
  • 2018 Enneagram Practitioner Training 1, 2 and 3
  • 2018 Training in Reiki Level I (2012), II (2013) and III (2018) with Raquel Sá
  • 2017 Radiesthesia and Radionics table. Face-to-face and remote treatment for breaking magic and intrusive energies in the field and subtle energy harmonization with the 7 Chakras and environments
  • 2016 Couples Delerium (Comunna Metamorfose)
  • 2015 Graduating in Physical Education UFC
  • 2014 Training in Tantric Therapeutics (Comunna Metamorfose)
  • 2011 CIS Training Integral Systemic Coaching
  • 2010 Training in-depth Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • 2009 Shiatsu Training and Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • 2008 Training SENAC-CE lymphatic drainage
  • 2007 Training Facial and body aesthetics SENAC-CE
  • 2006 Body Therapy Training SENAC-CE

Testimonials received by Hamido

I would like to give my testimony to the great and vast experience I had in the work of Radiesthesia and Apometry, they are fantastic works that evaluate the energetic vibrations of people, environments, animals and objects, where everything is analyzed, for example if it is in a harmonious place, if there is illness, if there is imbalance, through the analysis of each individual it explains contents of past lives that persist with us today such as magic, religious content, fear, submission, vow of poverty, celibacy, self-demand, self-punishment, among others that prevent us from follow our journey, where it needs to be freed so as not to repeat itself as it happens automatically without the individual realizing it. In my analysis there was black magic content, self-harm and religious content that prevented me from seeking knowledge because there was a barrier and I was unable to connect with my spiritual mentors, I was very afraid of incorporation, I was afraid of seeking answers and even facing any spiritualist center for blaming me or not finding me worthy of receiving entities of light in a person who was a sinner. This was worked on in several sessions and during the course contents were explored that had never been discussed with anyone, which was the desire for suicide, rejection and self-punishment, it was something that I did not have the courage to expose to anyone and this was also worked on, the analyzes are made using a percentage of 1 to 100% of favorable or unfavorable and through several sessions I followed and mainly felt this change, these are perceptions that over the weeks of sessions I began to work on giving and receiving, the improvement in my self-esteem and people Those around me also felt this evolution. One of the greatest benefits of spiritual cleansing is the removal of impurities from the mind, that is, negative energies and thoughts. As much as you are a good person, it may be that your mind is infested with negative energies, which prevent you from growing and achieving your goals. Everything was moving towards my improvement and today I can consider myself a person whose spiritual journey is alone. starting, watching and changing my thoughts, knowing what content was in my field, having the perception of this is fantastic and noticing more when there is Religious content, I observe myself more, I don't let Fear take over my emotional and rational mind, I don't I charge so much, magical contents have been reset and I am very grateful to Daniel and Greater Spirituality for using him and his mentors as facilitators of awakening in this great work [...]

Carla Laís

com Hamido on 06/08

I can say that tantric therapy was one of the best choices of my life. It is one of the most valuable processes of self-knowledge and rescue. I was facing several personal questions regarding my femininity and libido and this was destroying my esteem and joy. Because with the day-to-day problems, the coldness and cooling in the relationship that years of marriage bring when both do not seek improvement, changes and updates, I came to believe that there was some problem such as anorgasmia (lack of orgasms) with me, lack of libido and mental fatigue. After spending months researching a serious professional, aligned with one of the largest therapy networks, I decided to overcome the prejudice of friends and myself due to my mistaken training and erroneous information on the subject. And that's how I changed my life, esteem and I can ensure my happiness. I arrived a little scared, but choosing Daniel (professional) for me was a masterstroke. He knew how to provide all the security with great professionalism so that I could enjoy and, above all, absorb all the knowledge gained in therapy. I say clearly that if everyone sought this knowledge and evolution, many relationships would not end for reasons capable of being resolved, and depression or negative feelings and disregard for the desire to live life with the necessary excellence would be avoided. I advise you to follow what the therapist recommends, and do as many sessions as he deems necessary, after his investigation. Because the first was ideal for me to gain confidence, not in him but in myself. I followed the sessions and had difficult moments, but necessary for my self-knowledge and liberation! From everything I built in the face of life's experiences, which are not always desirable. Following the sessions, he deemed it necessary to interrupt for a measurement session. Which for me was the best vision he could have had, doing justice to the professional he is! This was ideal for the moment I was in and helped immensely with the process. After measuring and cleaning; sequentially... It was all beds and roses...🙏🏼 What gratitude to discover that the cure was “just” a lack of self-knowledge. I highlighted it only because it is a process that is sometimes painful and surprising, but necessary. Guys...😍... I started to love my body regardless of its physical imperfections and I woke up to the sabotage I practiced by not doing something to improve it. In short. My mental and physical health took a leap forward, raising my self-esteem, I made peace with my sexuality and today I feel more fulfilled and happy. The best thing about all this was concluding that my happiness only depends on me and no one else, it has always been in my hands. And with the help of [...]

Andréia Soares

com Hamido on 09/11

The workshop given by Prem Hamido in which I participated was an incredible, radiant experience, an energy that involves us in further promoting knowledge, learning, and practicing a lot, because as mentioned, Dowsing is research. Gratitude for the wonderful Workshop. Let the advanced module come.

Nigeria Pereira Gonçalves

com Hamido on 12/05

Daniel is exactly the person I follow on social media, cohesive, professional in the extreme, welcoming. And the experience I had in my treatment was wonderful. I couldn't imagine that feelings that had been kept up until then for not knowing what to do with them had a whole history. Thanks for the guidance and welcome! And for giving a helping hand when I needed it when facing so many fears that weren't necessary.

Elaine Lima

com Hamido on 08/11

The Dellerium experience for me and my husband was essential to our marriage. It was a moment of reconnection, care, reunion. We had been trying for years to get pregnant without success. And due to expectations our intimate moment was out of balance. It was when we allowed ourselves to live this experience that we were able to reconnect and so our much-desired son was able to arrive to brighten our lives. I am very grateful to Prem Hamido and Darshana for all the teaching.


com Hamido on 26/11

Testimony about the Enneagram The Enneagram is an instrument that brought me so much clarity to the way in which I have been relating to myself and the world that I was amazed at how everything was so present and I didn't see some fundamental things. What happened to me was that from the knowledge of my personality type (there are 9 in all) I was able to look at conscious and unconscious contents from another place. Now, in possession of the information brought by the Enneagram, I felt such a pleasant relief! In fact, I already had internal resources on my journey to deal with the challenges of my existence. But some concerns still plagued me. Not knowing what was going on is one of them. And what happened then was a flash!!! Just to show you how it all makes sense, I bring you what Personality Type 4 has as a Fundamental Desire: “To be able to find yourself and your importance as a person, create an identity and start from your inner experience.” And to make me even happier with the discoveries of the experience of having gone to the Enneagram Workshop with Daniel Hamido (@eneagrama.sexualidade), I read that the Superego Message is “You will be on a good path if you are true to yourself” . That's it! And I like to be where I feel confident and where I receive the framework for my earthly journey, because “Healthiest representatives are honest with themselves, acknowledge their feelings and own their own motivations, contradictions and emotional problems without denying them or gilding them. ”. Immeasurable gratitude. Ana Patricia da S Gaspar (@anapatricia.369) Fortaleza, Ce, October/22

Ana Patricia da S Gaspar

com Hamido on 20/10

I'm Ana Lucia, a clinical psychologist, I got to know Daniel's work and was treated individually and took the course as well. I highly recommend it, it helped me a lot to strengthen myself as a person and professional. The course was very good. I had support in my calls. I have to practice more. The course was really worth it, thank you Daniel.


com Hamido on 11/08

I got to Daniel through a friend, I was desperate to the point of wanting to run away from home because of someone very close to me who had already attempted suicide in front of me and was threatening to do it again, the first section with the person (it was mine last hope) the scenario has already changed about 40% and after the second she has already been taking a wonderful conscience of life, in total there were 3 appointments where we performed some homework and thanks to God we are fine today, walking towards 100% Gratitude Daniel

Italo Silva

com Hamido on 02/04

The Dowsing Course with Hamido was very practical and I could feel the benefits of the technique during the exercises performed in the course classes. The meditations conducted and taught by Hamido brought a state of well-being and tranquility that is very important for the practices of therapies. Dowsing is certainly very broad and impossible to be fully explored in a course, but with Hamido we learned the bases and ways to deepen the studies of the technique for ourselves, knowing that we have his support as a mentor.

Luiza Guedes

com Hamido on 06/12

I got to know radiesthesia and apometry through a friend, during the quarantine and I was going through a very delicate moment, I was going through a depression and I didn't see any sense in anything anymore. I started my treatment, it took a few sessions to get a balance. Today I'm fine and I continue the search for evolution, always accompanied by Daniel and today I just have to thank you for all the attention. My sessions are my moments of peace and balance, all my gratitude to the core 12 propellers!


com Hamido on 05/05

Getting to know tantra was wonderful, I had never experienced something so strong within me, that would make me mentally stronger and more confident for life's challenges, it reduced my shyness more, of course I need to work more on it because it is a process, my brain passed some 3 days trying to understand what had happened, it seems that it was formatted, I just have to thank Prem Hamido because for me it was a dream that came true because I've been researching about it for a long time, since the day I started researching that I internalized one day I know tantra, and of course it's just the beginning because I intend to have a healthy relationship, and one that has true love and connection, in advance gratitude to Prem Hamido who is a loving person and to the colleagues who participated


com Hamido on 18/11

Hi. I had a radionic table session and some apometry sessions, which allowed me to clean up my energy field and break ancestral content that hampered my life. This is the holistic explanation, in my vocabulary it rescued my self-esteem, my perception of myself, it cured me of a cycle of defeats that was being my life. I can't explain it well, but I feel lighter, more secure, owning myself, happier. Eternal gratitude to the therapist Daniel Hamido. Thank you very much


com Hamido on 23/04

Beautiful and loving experience in every detail, eye to eye, subtle touches and being able to experience the power of my body together with my husband was very special. Now we have this wonderful tool to come together even more. Grateful! For a world with more love!

Ludmilla Couto Kauabe

com Hamido on 08/12

He's a great person. The massage is almost divine. Promotes magical moments, with respect and made me very comfortable! I recommend.


Experienced Tantric massage com Hamido on 30/01

Daniel, I come here to thank you for your contribution to my process of self-knowledge and spiritual evolution! Thank you for uniting sexuality with spirituality in your approach, using tantra, apometry and meditation in correcting my patterns of suffering. Your sessions helped me integrate more and more parts of my essence as a human being and as a spirit! Congratulations on the very different and unique content that you share. God bless your journey! Hug in your heart! 🥰

Naiara Renee

com Hamido on 19/07

I loved the experience and the result with apometry with Daniel. Wonderful and knowledgeable professional.


com Hamido on 14/07

I arrived at Hamido after going through the processes of traditional medicine (psychiatry and psychotherapy) and also holistic therapies (family constellations). Even after 10 years of clinical treatment for depression, 4 of those years in the constellations business, I saw myself as a beginner trying to skate on ice: always gliding in place. I had resistance at first because it was a language I didn't know, but with each session the records were adjusting and calming down one by one. Today I and those around me see me as safer, more centered and lighter than ever before. I understand that all the steps I took prepared me to receive and integrate the transformation that came to me at the hands of Daniel Hamido. I can only thank him for his availability at the service of the mentored clients' lives. Gratitude.


com Hamido on 28/03

A few days ago I finished the Enneagram classes with Hamido. I hoped to settle the emotions I experienced a little, because of such profound changes, I did not know if I would be able to put on paper an analysis of the feelings and transformations I am still going through. I have always been looking to evolve and I know that the only way will be to get to know myself in the deepest way and without subterfuge. Through the Enneagram, I came out of superficiality, as if I left the Matrix, and I was able to access my innermost Self, traits already known and even very unknown to me, which are my shadows and my lights. It is easy to see the lights, our virtues, but the difficult and painful thing is to access the shadows, so to speak our defects. When I accessed the camouflaged shadows, fears and suffering, I cried. I cried a lot. Tears were streaming down my face. First a hurt cry, then a cry of relief. Relief because, finally, from knowing what my shadows and fears are, I will be able to work, soften them, and make the conversion and transformation into lights, and for me in happiness. Anyway, I started to understand my attitudes that sabotaged my personal, professional and loving growth. The process does not end with classes, it is a continuous self-knowledge and observation. With the situations that come up on a daily basis, I am realizing which thoughts and actions take me to the shadows and which ones take me to the lights. It is awareness and decision making. Only I can decide whether to stay in the shadows or go to the light. My decision is to stay in the light, expand my feelings of good, develop my potential, and I say that the Enneagram and the wonderful conduct of the process by Hamido were a gift and fundamental for me to enter this level of evolution, well-being and happiness. Hamido, I thank the Universe for putting in my path, enlightened person like you. May the Lord keep you in good and good.


com Hamido on 27/01

I participated in a Dowsing WorkShop with Professor Daniel from Núcleo 12 Hélices and, in addition to new learnings, I saw how dowsing is an important tool for the self-knowledge process, for the balance of energies, both of the environment and of the person, allowing a greater understanding of the energetic interactions that are acting, at all times, in our lives. My thanks and gratitude to Daniel for the diligence of the course with such zeal, commitment, mastery and affection, as well as to all participants for sharing and exchanging knowledge. Gratitude for the course!

Andrea Forte Gadelha

com Hamido on 11/05

With a lot of professionalism, the therapist helped me with personal and family cleanings. It is like a safe dive, because I already had a notion and a colleague of his from Piauí had given a good reference to him. Then I saw a job that I chose to dive in and treat myself with. Protection comes from God (my belief) but we have our helpers on earth to evolve! Gratitude, Prem Hamido !!!


com Hamido on 21/07

Well ... I heard about Tantric Therapy in October 2017 through some friends who had gone through the process and loved it. I tried to know a little more about the subject, and unfortunately I ended up watching videos from you tube that do not address tantric massage as it really is a THERAPY. I was apprehensive. Then I met an excellent professional Daniel who clarified me about true Tantric Therapy. And in December 2019 I decided to go through the process to heal myself from amorous traumas. To my surprise, during the process the results were cured in several areas of my life: loving, professional, friendships ... I am grateful to the process and to the wonderful professional Prem Hamido (Daniel) for the work developed with such respect and professionalism.


Experienced Tantric massage com Hamido on 31/03

I've done more than 5 calls with Prem Hamido. In all consultations received, I obtained positive results, mainly in the emotional state I was in, I stayed immediately, including in my energy field, the correction was immediate. Thank you very much for your excellent service!

Fabiana Pereira

com Hamido on 16/02

I already knew about dowsing through various self-knowledge processes, but the two consultations were a watershed during and after the processes. I felt a huge difference both in the physical body and in the other complaints I was feeling about all areas of life. very happy to have done this therapeutic process, helped me a lot in a moment that was passing by.

Glaucia Paixão zavati

com Hamido on 30/11

I had sessions with Daniel Hamido on the Enneagram. I already knew my type and subtype. I had a fundamental understanding of the 9 types and 27 subtypes. So we were remembering and advancing in the self-knowledge that the enneagram provides, a map that defines the human personality, through which the person sees his gifts and limitations, advances and resources, possibilities for growth. At each session, Daniel, with mastery, confidence and competence, opened horizons for me to follow a path, explore my interior, discover the traps that the ego uses and how to get rid of them. And between each session, he apprehended the contents taught, practicing them, noticing the inner changes within me. There were moments of internal clashes (not everything is flowers, roses have thorns), but willpower, the decision to overcome, determination, focus, desire to become a better person, determination, faith and trust helped me. Sessions are over. The exercise of self-knowledge continues, is daily, permanent, for a lifetime. Having the courage to take "the ox by the horn", "tame" the ego (a wild horse within us that does what it wants), "train" it, "grate" it. Worth it? Yes and it's worth a lot. Gratitude to Daniel Hamido for the meetings and for the teaching that I take with me in the daily and permanent exercise of being an apprentice, of knowing myself in order to be free, happy, happy, a full, capable, effective and efficient person.


com Hamido on 06/03

Initially I was feeling somewhat blocked in my professional relationships, feelings and other areas; and gradually with the practices developed in this activity I have been improving my self-esteem, confidence and unlocking all the links that hindered my coexistence. The whole process was of great value and today I feel a more renewed, safer and more prepared person to face my challenges and obstacles. Thank you for all the experience lived in every day of my evolution.

Regis Lima

com Hamido on 17/08

I was a person totally without emotional and energetic balance before I met Daniel. Incredible and serious work that he does with so much love. I was able to considerably lessen the pain of grief and depression. I can only thank Daniel and hope to have other experiences in the nucleus.

Marcela Miranda Batista De Lima

com Hamido on 12/04

The Tantra for Men course is transformative, an immersion that made me able to leave my everyday life towards learning in the sense that there are many other experiences where you can go beyond the ordinary. It was surprising to be able to free myself from armor, obstacles, and physical and emotional blocks through the knowledge of my own body and the awareness of my potential, always guided by the techniques of our mediator Daniel (Prem Hamido) who, at the end of the most varied dynamics, guided us to having gratitude for whatever our experiences had been, and repeatedly emphasizing: “You can do it!” Tantric massage is a relaxing journey that takes us to physical and mental ecstasy, and to the development of the connection between sexuality and spirituality. Gratitude to everyone for everything I experienced on this journey.

Carlos Renato

com Hamido on 16/11

I participated in 2 reviews online with the therapist and found it very interesting. I was able to wake up to things I was not aware of in my self-knowledge process. * Evaluation with dowsing


com Hamido on 21/07

I've worked with several therapists at 12 Helices and I have only good things to say. But today I want to give my testimony to Prem Hamido, Daniel Sa about the Dowsing course. Before this course, I had already taken some courses in Dowsing with a very well-known person in holistic circles here in New England - USA. But the course with Daniel went soooo much beyond what I had learned. In addition to the theoretical foundation, the practices became a real instrument for the completion of the course. I feel I have a very powerful technique in my hands that can help many. Daniel's knowledge is profound in this matter but the love and spirituality he brings to the class is the differentiating element for me. He is 'in love' with this technique because he has already made such a difference in the lives of others, especially during the peak of hospitalizations with covid, he managed to treat around 90% of cases. I already get emotional thinking about the people and animals that I will be able to help. I hope to soon participate in the advanced course of Dowsing. Thanks Daniel 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


com Hamido on 05/11

The experience with the Enegram sessions conducted by the therapist DANIEL HAMIDO was wonderful. It allowed me a deep dive into self-knowledge, identification of beliefs, patterns and, mainly, a vision of possible new paths, providing me with new perspectives on how to insert myself into the world as a being that is part, that is related. I feel more secure and self-confident. Super grateful!

Isabela Aguiar Jesuino

com Hamido on 28/04

Hello, I come to express my confidence and gratitude to Prem Hamido, for the enlightening and professional service


com Hamido on 26/07

Recognizing myself... Finding myself again... Reconnecting myself... There was a time when I was convinced of who I was.... As experiences and experiences passed, circumstances, fears and paths I lost myself. .. Today I recognize myself and I know that I am in the process of reuniting and reconnecting with my essence... with the I AM! This quest is incessant, but not infinite!! It's not an eternal "swim and die on the beach", because I don't need to repeat the countless laps I took on the Wheel of Sansara!... I am deeply grateful to all cycles, to all paths, to abysses, obstacles, tears, to time... He, Time brought me awareness!... This one is endless!! The awareness that I am not immutable and that I am in constant discovery of my self! And so I walk... and sing!... In the certainty that I am big and much bigger than you can imagine! And the hundreds of eons that are ahead of me will be of new discoveries, learning, evolution, growth and refinement for the search and finding of myself!!! Daniel, much gratitude for being part of my lives, my paths and my heart.

Veronica Myurra

com Hamido on 02/03

When I arrived for treatment with Daniel Hamido I was in a pit of apathy. My body and mind were completely dissociated. I no longer felt pleasure in anything and suffered from it. My body was like an empty vessel walking through the world. I did what I had to do, but nothing made me happy and even the touches on my skin I no longer felt. We started treatment with Tantric Therapy. Attentive and kind, he wanted to know about me, to determine what would be the best way to help me. I spoke about the symptoms I wanted to treat, we set a goal and we went. And it was indescribable. All goals, one by one, were achieved to a point of liberation that I never imagined possible. I started to feel my skin, the touch, the wind, the heat... none of that felt right, I knew those elements were there, but I didn't really feel any sensation to any stimulus. As he always says: 'I will accompany you and show you the way, but the journey is yours, if you decide to stop, we will stop. We go wherever you want to go. It takes courage.' And how necessary it was... The sensations during the massage were like explosions of pleasure. Each touch was a blow to what he called breastplates. Incredible sensations, explosions of pleasure throughout my body. Everything was a scare and a lack of breath. That's why it's important to take breathing exercises seriously. Obey with precision, without breathing properly you won't be able to move forward. States of altered consciousness... What is that? They are indescribable. Wonderful! You connect with life in a way I've never experienced. Peace and pleasure comfort you in a wonderful way. It's really magical. Leaving each session the effects continued. I started to notice my body more, feel the clothes I wore. Everything woke me up. Until one day, I was calmly on a ride going somewhere, relaxed and calm when my body, 'out of nowhere' turns on and starts giving me pleasure, and one orgasm after another... It was intense and beautiful... Obviously I had to disguise it.... lol These events became more and more common for me, until I "got used to it". That's when another door to the extraordinary opened. At home, relaxed, it's always when you are relaxed and at peace... it seems that pleasure refuses to inhabit a tense body... I felt waves of orgasm that lasted about half an hour and all I could do was breathe . I needed to focus on breathing so I wouldn't lose my breath. You have no idea what [...]

João Vitor

com Hamido on 28/11

One day, a friend told me about Nucleus 12 Helices Holistic Therapies and Prem Hamido (Daniel). I found it interesting, but, as almost always, I left it to see later and ended up staying without contact. One day I decided to make contact and ask for information, which was passed on to me with all the kindness, love and professionalism that Hamido brings together. I confess that I was out of curiosity, but right in the first session of a "sensitive massage", preceded by a dowsing service, I realized that I had left there differently. From then on, I did 6 (six) more of these sessions with Hamido and what I can say, with all certainty, is that there was a real transformation in my life, since, with each session, I had a new and different experience. different that reverberated in my body and mind for days on end, provoking countless insights and perceptions about events and feelings. So, I started to be more present, more attentive to my body, my emotions, as well as happier with myself, because I discovered how good the process of self-love is. Giving me these sessions as a gift was the best decision of my life, as I found support and extremely professional service, in a welcoming environment, easy to access, clean, pleasant and highly discreet. Anyway, what I can say is that I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone who wants to make a legitimate turn in their emotions and perceptions about life. To Hamido (my dear Daniel), I offer all my GRATITUDE. <3 <3 <3

Messias Dieb

com Hamido on 25/04

A formidable experience that everyone should allow themselves an expansion of consciousness relevant to their own well-being and the possibility of expanding it to other people in need.


com Hamido on 16/10

Understanding about the shadows that affects us mainly when we are psychologically vulnerable by anger, sadness, alcohol. Knowing the shadows helps to face the challenges in the most difficult moments.


com Hamido on 20/07

Different experiences that both enhanced the work in high knowledge. Daniel is a super ethical professional who works on the client's time. Super indico !!! * Enneagram and tantric therapy

Juliana Avelar

com Hamido on 21/07

In the Enneagram sessions, I was able to recognize strengths that I didn't even know about myself and characteristics for improvement that during the weeks I already noticed a return in my relationships both in my personal and professional life. I should have done the Enneagram many years ago. I believe it is a very useful tool for self-awareness and human development.

Luciana de O. Neves

com Hamido on 28/07

It was a moment of reconnection with my own essence. Daniel, with his sensitive and intuitive way, helped me in this encounter with myself, thus giving me support and confidence to expand and remain in this infinite journey of self-knowledge. I am very grateful for everything that is already unfolding in my path. Gratitude Daniel 🌹

Veronica Myurra

com Hamido on 25/11

Excellent professional. Master the techniques that are proposed. Explains with simplicity and mastery. I recommend seeing him. * Individual session and co-therapist in the Amor em dia process

Yllana C. da Costa

com Hamido on 21/07

It was a very learning meeting, allowing me to reflect on my life story and develop self-knowledge. I found myself predominantly in enneatype 2, although some aspects of other enneatypes were present in my personality. This allowed me to understand many of my attitudes, including those from childhood, and to perceive processes of evolution that I have been looking for throughout my life, as well as others that I still need to look for.

Vanessa Santos

com Hamido on 18/10

The first contact with Hamido was very welcoming, respectful and loving. I've already had two sessions and in both there was professional and ethical delivery. The experience is very rich and I allowed my body to experience it in the most intense way possible. So I got deep into the technique and experienced all the beauties that tantra provides. I breathed, released feelings and sensations to be manifested during the sessions. I had intense orgasms in various parts of my body. I felt the energy circulate through my body, felt my chakras active and aligned. Each touch was a stimulus to a magnificent explosion of pleasure. I cried, laughed, shivered, shivered, moaned, contorted my spine, twitched my legs... all very well experienced by my body. With the same intensity I had incredible results reverberating for days after the sessions: all senses heightened especially touch, taste and hearing. I would say that after the massage I am alert, that is, my whole body is mega receptive to events and with an incredibly beautiful affection. Pure and true feelings of love for herself and others. I am grateful to Prem Hamido Daniel for driving so loving and respectful, my earnings are indescribable and I still want more!!!

Isabella Moura

Experienced Tantric massage com Hamido on 17/09

I had a very positive experience with a course I took in Dowsing. I have not had any contact with this technique before. Access morphic fields (which he also had no knowledge of) and use the pendulum with one of his tools. It is an efficient, practical and easy to handle technique. It is focused on the patient's energetic diagnosis (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects) through questions and answers, the patient's profile is drawn, which also includes the indication of the treatment. I was impressed with the accuracy of this technique. I recommend this course for holistic therapists, as they will have this guide in their hands to help you practice the technique you use in your care.

Junia Gontijo

com Hamido on 16/05

It was a very interesting experience, having this vision sabotages both our personalities and those around us. Through this, we sometimes manage to deal better with certain situations or people. I identified more with the personality profile 9.

João Fontenele Filho

com Hamido on 18/10

Tantra Journey – *Daniel Hamito* (12/03/2023) Me, Vladimir Onofre, and my partner went on a Tantra journey with the therapist *Daniel Hamito*. Initially, Daniel assesses the couple through radiesthesia and before the journey we had a face-to-face meeting where we were shown the couple's behavior and some individual issues. Each one had the opportunity to say what they felt and then we were each taken to a stretcher to make apometric corrections. This initial care that Daniel provides brings us awareness and self-knowledge of very important issues to enter this field, until then, totally unknown to us as individuals and as a couple. In a safe and comfortable environment, Daniel introduces Tantra Therapy (TT) in an intimate and at the same time technical conversation. After this conversation, we stood facing each other, in a standing position, each looking into one of the other's eyes. We surrender to your rhythmic guidance with music and breathing. At this moment, armor and blocks emerged, a concrete perception of the sexual energy that circulated from one to the other, through the hands, in this way, despite the depth of the process, there was no tiredness or exhaustion because one “supplied” the other with this energy. . At the end of this introduction, each one described completely different experiences, even though it was the same technique, at the same time. What was common for both of us with this initial practice was the perception of how different we are, the experiences we live, our “disconnection” with our body and how we welcome everything with so much love and respect for ourselves and each other. This perception of the capacity that our body, this giant *hardware*, has to store our memories, whether traumatic or happy, was surprising because it brought us the responsibility, affection, respect and connection to enter each other's sacred universe. . Daniel, for this journey, proposed 2 moments to us. The first, described previously, and 3 more. As mentioned previously: “proposed”, because there is no way to format or limit this powerful technique. The next 2 moments, which at first seemed to us the most challenging, due to: the nudity, the strong smells, the touches, the chameleon-like textures, the sounds, the light, the environment, and Daniel's own presence; however, they were the most welcoming of us because they were so integrated with these discoveries and our essence that everything flowed and fulfilled the purpose, until then, unknown. Everything was welcome and fully welcomed. Grateful to Daniel for having that attentive, careful, affectionate and, above all, respectful look. Your welcoming smile in the face of so many stimuli and our most intimate shadows exposed [...]

Vladimir Sampaio Onofre

com Hamido on 22/03

I met the therapist Daniel Hamido, through a friend. I got in touch, we started with dowsing. I immediately identified, with MTA tuning, the extremely competent professional! Success! We started right away, Apometry. I had no idea of ​​these procedures. Today as a witness, I can talk about how you helped me! I recommend, with great transparency, respect, to this great professional ... Thank you for everything !!! ...

Sandra Maia Alvim

com Hamido on 17/08

Excellent course, Daniel is a great professional, very prepared and exquisite didactic. The course served to awaken in me some situations that I took with me and to outline a path of improvement in my life and that of my family members. Highly recommend

Marco Ferrari

Experienced Tantric Therapy com Hamido on 19/03

The entire procedure was explained in detail and executed in agreement with me. I was open to that experience and it was something incredible and with positive results that I still feel today. Tantric massage made me understand a little more about the energies that act on my body and mind and it is a practice that everyone should try one day. I received an indication of Prem Hamido's work and felt total confidence in his work, both before and during and after the tantric massage session. Just gratitude for everything!


Experienced Tantric massage com Hamido on 21/07

If you did a session, record your testimonial :)

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