Prem Sadik - Work your body fully and without prejudice.

Prem Sadik

Work your body fully and without prejudice.
Tantric Therapist
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Hello, I'm Sadik, welcome!

I attend men, women and couples with tantric therapy.

In therapeutic sessions, I propose experiences with meditations, tantric massage techniques and other integrative practices, considering the issues and journey of each one.

Tantric therapy is, above all, a path to self-knowledge and personal development. The applied techniques help in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions (premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, difficulty in feeling pleasure or having an orgasm) and in working with traumas, blocks and limiting beliefs in general. In addition, they enable the development of orgasmic and pleasure potential, promoting an improvement in sex life and daily life in general through physical, mental and emotional rebalancing.

More about Tantric Therapeutics

Tantric therapy is a body and energy therapy, as it involves practices in the body and with the body that aim at energy work, the work with the so-called Kundalini energy. Kundalini is a creative energy that we use in practically everything we do. By stimulating it, tantra provides an increase in creativity, disposition and also libido, as Kundalini is also our sexual energy. By unlocking this energy, it feeds all of our chakras and nourishes our entire being. The results in life are incredible and are achieved by a path of great pleasure and love between you and yourself.

I work with the Deva Nishok method applying the techniques of Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni Massage, G-Spot, Lingam Massage and P-Spot for the awakening and development of Body Bioelectricity, sensory perceptions and female and male orgasmic potential.

Teachers and Experiences

2024 - Training in Neo Tantric Therapy - Deva Nishok and Surya Sangeeta - Comunna Metamorfose

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