Christiane (Radha) - Physiotherapist with a postgraduate degree in Women's Health and training in Clinical Sexology. She has been working with Tantric Therapy since 2011.

Christiane (Radha)

Post-graduate physiotherapist in Women's Health and training in Clinical Sexology. She has been working with Tantric Therapy since 2011.
Tantric Therapist

Tantric Therapist qualified in all modalities of the Deva Nishok Method (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni / Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot), Reborn Therapist, Menstrual Therapist, Tantra Yoga Instructor, Laughter Therapist.  

Develops several works for people, of all genders, who search through the body to discover how to fully experience sexuality. Through body therapy, it is possible to reframe traumatic experiences linked to the body, as well as assist in the treatment and cure of sexual dysfunctions.

She has extensive experience in serving the female audience.

  • Facilitator of the Tantric Massage Course, individual and collective;
  • Facilitator of the Pompoar Course, basic and Instructor Training;
  • Facilitator of the Sexual Dysfunctions Improvement Course for tantric therapists;
  • Facilitator of the workshops: The Way of Love and Body Workshop for Women.
  • Facilitator of Active Meditation and Renaissance meetings.
  • Instructor in the Training Course in Tantric Body Therapy, by the Kaya School of Therapies.
  • Women's Wheel Facilitator.
  • Facilitator of meetings of Female Sexuality for Men.

Teachers and Experiences

Testimonials received by Radha

After work I was happy to have participated and at this moment I am grateful to have given me this experience and to have overcome my personal convictions. It was an experience that, in addition to enabling my self-knowledge, certainly had an impact on my life as the whole course is carried out in an extremely professional context and in a warm and welcoming environment, very happy to have allowed me to participate in this experience.

Flávio Joel Gregório

Experienced Tantric Massage Courses com Moksha e Radha on 18/10

I feel better educated and better able to perform a more complete anamnesis, taking into account the different types of sexual dysfunction. Better able to apply different techniques - breathing, relaxation, attention with autofocus, new maneuvers, pelvic movements and some meditations - which added a lot to the therapeutic work. Shares of doubts, impressions and experiences that we are experiencing in training, which apply even to therapeutic interventions for sexual dysfunctions. Gain new repertoires on the physiology of the genitals, situations that are typical of cases of sexual dysfunction. Case study and discussions about situations that usually come to the appointments, which demand greater effectiveness in listening and evolving the case, in the techniques associated with tantric massage and in the therapeutic management with the interactant.


Experienced Specialization in Sexual Dysfunctions com Radha on 23/04

The Caminho do Amor was my best experience of the year 2017, I found everything loving the care with the place, the smell, the cushions, the blankets, the welcoming of the therapists, everything pulsed with love. The group surrendered and trusted, had a field and egregator for that to happen. It touched my wounds, fears, guilt in a unique way and leaves with the wounds closed and with a very clear vision. Self responsibility and acceptance, joys, peace, lightness of soul and a love and care for me that were unique. I saw myself, I found myself, I loved myself. This work is very beautiful, a very loving experience !!!!

Jackeline de Lourdes

Experienced Active Meditation Groups com Shantideva e Moksha e Radha No. on 15/02

The course content is a great basis for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of Pompoarismo. I really liked Radha's didactics as well as the content. Despite being a more theoretical course, I was able to experience profound transformations being processed in my perception as a woman, companion, friend and teacher. I was happy to see the video about masturbation, as it was a way for me to welcome my memories with more love and less judgment. I was happy with the focus that Radha treats pompoarism: as a female empowerment tool, a tool for female health, a tool that enables women to know what pleasure really is, and consequently to know how to put themselves differently in front of their partner. The course improved my daily practices, as well as encouraged me to improve them even more.


Experienced Pompoarism com Radha on 23/02

I did not imagine that the practice would be so true and real. They all shared the same perspective: that of helping other women in the process of self-knowledge and self-love. Everything was perfect, the house, the employees, the colleagues and also the instructor. It was an incredible experience and one that I will take for my entire life.

Elizabeth Tabelini

Experienced Pompoarism com Radha on 23/02

Participating in the course made me think of new possibilities to transform my life and that of other women. Far beyond female pleasure, knowledge of one's own body and how we can be more conscious and happy are the truths that can be said. Gratitude!

E. G.

Experienced Pompoarism com Radha on 02/05

The course was completely theoretical. Very good. Complemented my training training. Now I have more resources to deal with the various complicated cases that may come up. I want to congratulate the Professor for the material, as well as, knowledge passed on to the students. At the end of the course we had very good relaxation dynamics. I feel refreshed.

Amaurilio José da Costa

Experienced Specialization in Sexual Dysfunctions com Radha on 12/12

An enriching experience, I felt that everyone around me was in a great egregore of love, search, donation and above all a feeling of mutual understanding, I felt welcomed in this beautiful group! It is an undressing of all the masks we wear without realizing it, it is an undressing of the soul literally, where all feelings can emerge without fear, without judgment. That was how I felt, free, free to accept my feelings and thus allow myself and accept me more, love me more. All the dynamics were incredible! But the sensitive massage and tantric massage really gave me a very strong emotion, in addition to the physical sensation, it provided me with enormous relaxation, and feelings that had not touched me in a long time. A look inside me, and a love for everything and everyone around me. I felt very light, with a feeling of peace and with more confidence in myself, a serenity to discover that I can access sensations in my body. I never imagined, I feel more energized! I feel more alive!

Carmen S. de Freitas

Experienced Tantric Massage Courses com Radha e Moksha on 18/10

All the dynamics were significant, each one provided me with learning and made me think about how important it is to know our body and what it shows us, made me learn to have a little patience and pay attention to my breathing again. think about things I haven't thought in a long time, like taking care of me and loving me. At that moment I feel lighter, loved, strong and happy!

Francine Bormann

Experienced Pompoarism com Radha on 02/05

The approach that Radha brings about the valorization of women and their feminine and the playful way that the course has, which has an extensive theoretical content, contributed a lot to my learning. Its didactics combined with good humor makes a difference, as it facilitates the union and the development of the class.

Suely Santos

Experienced Pompoarism com Radha on 23/02

If you did a session, record your testimonial :)

Reflections by Radha

by Christiane (Radha)

by Christiane (Radha)

by Christiane (Radha)

by Christiane (Radha)

by Christiane (Radha)

by Christiane (Radha)

Tantric Pompoir Course


Pompoar is an ancient technique that develops the ability to control the contraction and relaxation of the vaginal muscles, with benefits in women's health and sexuality.

Tantric pompoirism invites you to get in touch with the powerful Kundaliní energy, which is our vital energy. You will see that the benefits are many, acting on a physical, emotional and energetic level.

Investment: R$ 249

Buy my access »

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available to therapists trained by Communion Metamorphosis.