Rajan Prem - Hello, I Rajan Prem have the pleasure of introducing you to a way of knowing yourself through loving and gentle touch.

Rajan Prem

Hello, I Rajan Prem am pleased to introduce you to a way to get to know yourself through loving and gentle touch.
Tantric Therapist
Pre-book a session

Specialized in Neo Tantric Therapy, I will guide you through touch to awaken the feeling of your essence, accessing your true orgasmic potential.
Come live the new!

Teachers and Experiences

2022 Neo Tantric Therapy - Comunna metamorphosis institute
2021 Tantric Therapy for couples - Love and connection
2021 Free course in tantra - Instituto Kandah Brasil

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This profile is on the free membership plan to Rede Metamorfose,
available to therapists trained by Communion Metamorphosis.