Talita Cruz - The body is the reflection of the feelings that we deny and which it denounces!!!

Talita Cruz

The body is the reflection of the feelings that we deny and which it denounces!!!
Tantric Therapist
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I'm Talita Cruz, Tantric Body Therapist for more than 6 years, formed by Cia do Ser and Rede Metamorfose, Psychoanalyst by Escola de Psicanálise de São Paulo, I work with the body through massage to release sources of stagnant energies, providing pleasure together with the pain of repressed emotions and breathing is present in the whole process, giving life to the muscular body as a whole, making the machine of life work!!!! This is tantra!!!

Teachers and Experiences

2017 Free Course of Tantric Massage

CIA do Ser

2023 Experiential Course Tantric Massage Karen Rodriguez

2023 Intensive Biocontact Course

CIA do Ser

2023 Psychoanalysis Course at the School of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo

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available to therapists trained by Communion Metamorphosis.