Testimony of Beatriz O. Almeida

I lost a baby 2 years ago and was in a very difficult period, in depression and unable to find a way back to the joy of living. That was when I was told about the work of Ananda (Psalm Ananda PREM) for the practice of Uterine Renaissance. After this practice I had a significant improvement and I felt that I continued to take care of my libido and energy to live with Ananda. I joined a Tantric Massage Therapy that reinterpreted the loss I suffered during pregnancy, and I returned to feel pleasure in my body, feeling alive again and able to find someone to love, because I returned to love myself. The sessions with Ananda were never the same. He had a session with various types of relaxing massages along with the tantric massage. Had yoga practices with meditation. There were studies of analysis of the shape of my body related to my way of thinking. I learned a lot in this phase of rebuilding myself when Ananda took care of me. I even decided to take a Tantric Massage course with her to do with my new boyfriend. It heated up my new relationship and brought us together even more. Ananda cared about me in the post-session, guiding me in resuming my life at a time when I could no longer think or recognize myself. She helped me get up. I am immensely grateful to Ananda for leading me on this rescue. Ananda's work is unique. In addition to being an enlightened person, she is a very dedicated, concerned and present professional. Really a gift that came into my life encouraging me to transform myself for the better. Gratitude forever, dear Ananda

Beatriz O. Almeida

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Psalm ANANDA Prem

TANTRA TREATS YOU! Tantra works our vital energy. This energy is the same through which we emanate from our hearts what we feel and vibrate. It is our own sexual energy through which we co-create with the universe and generate life. This energy is also the same with [...] View full profile