Fabiana's statement about Tantric massage

With each session I feel more clear about my body, about what I want, what I no longer want for myself in many ways. It is wonderful to be able to undress the body, the soul, to feel just myself, without resistance, delivered and at the same time empowered, happy to be who I am. With each session there are new insights, new unlockings, new learnings. Everything was always conducted with great care and attention by Dayo Prem (Henrique), who spends a lot of calm, a lot of positive energy, a lot of certainty that things are the way they have to be and everything is right. Huge gratitude Henrique. This moment has been my refuge, my oasis ... in the midst of everyday chaos. Gratitude...


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Prem Dayo (Henry)

Tantric Therapist trained by Sadhana Comunna Metamorfose, in all modalities of the Deva Nishok Method (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot Massage) I facilitate self-knowledge through the vibrational dynamics that tantric therapy provides, redirecting the focus of sexuality from [...] View full profile