Testimony from Maria do Carmo Castro about Tantric massage

I would like to share my incredible experience with you, especially with tantric psychoanalyst Ellen. She is simply the best!

At 71 years old, I had never experienced an orgasm. Ellen was like an angel in my life, showing me pleasure and joy I never thought possible. She is an incredible professional, respectful, patient and passionate about what she does.

I am immensely GRATEFUL for having met her and for all the support and guidance she provided me. My life has changed for the better since I started treatment with her and I certainly won't let go of her ever again.

My rating for her and the clinic is 100000000! You guys are simply incredible.

A big hug and thank you very much for everything!

Maria do Carmo Castro

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ellen Faria

Ellen Faria, Holistic Psychotherapist and founder of Centro Terapêutico FarGuim, began her journey in the area of ​​mental health and well-being with training in Neuropsychopedagogy. Over the years, she dedicated herself to the constant search for knowledge, obtaining specializations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki and [...] View full profile