R.'s statement about Tantric massage

A Surreal Experience! That's how I can describe Prem-Anagari's wonderful work. You think you know your body and your mind but in fact you have never been so deep in the sensations and possibilities that your body offers, it has a potential that I didn’t know until I went to the Prem service !!!! Through tantra you can change your perception of yourself.

Congratulations for the sensational work !!!!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Prem Anagari

Therapist, Instructor of Individual and Group Tantric Massage Courses, Instructor of Private Delerium for couples. Meets with Tantric Therapeutics with the Deva Nishok method, in order to refine sensitivity, expand and intensify the orgasmic sensation, generating greater support for bioenergy [...] View full profile