Testimony by Maria L. dos Santos

A year ago I was emotionally fragile facing a marital crisis and with low self-esteem. In the desire to improve the relationship, I looked for a light. I found the metamorphosis website and started looking for a therapist in my area.
With a Christian background I was very afraid of the new of this whole universe that was unknown to me. The moment I became aware of Nelson's biography among the therapists I was sure that I had found what I needed. It took courage to face fear and take the first step on this path of light and self-knowledge.
When I arrived at his studio, anxiety was knocking on my door and I met an incredible human being who was able to calm my heart with his peace and who transmitted total confidence in his work and in the respectful way he treated me. Since then, with integrative therapies, I started to understand myself better, to respect myself and have self-love, valuing who I really am and knowing my potential. I felt happiness well up inside my being because I managed to make peace with the inner child and the woman who was hurt. Today I thank the universe for having given me the opportunity to get to this site and especially to have gone through this process with the help of this excellent professional and great human being, Sabá Sadik.
I am grateful for the pain that through it I managed to move in search of the path of transformation and discover that everything I was looking for outside I found within me. I leave my report here with the sincere desire that it may be useful to those who are in this search and that other lives may be transformed.

Maria L dos Santos

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Sadyk Sabbat (Nelson)

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