Registration page

Alchemy of Love in Itapeva/MG

Investment: R$ 1.280,00

Reserve your spot here

Alquimia do Amor is a group experience where it is possible to connect with the source that generates life; A path where friendship, trust and dedication develop, in a much deeper dimension than what we usually know.

The workshop brings us the experience of a new reality, a new perspective of living, leaving aside the discriminations and abstractions of the intellect, which prevent us from being natural and spontaneous, from feeling and living the reality of our own originality, guided by voice of intuition.

Our invitation is for you to come to know your inner home, the field where your soul and your heart flourishes.

A Experiência

In Alchemy of Love experience is the main point. You must become a scientist from within. It is not your intellect that will be asked, but the totality of your being, in its fullness. To understand existence you will need a mutation, you will have to experience and experience.

During the workshop, we worked on the release of repressed emotions from altered states of perception and consciousness, caused by social vibrational meditations. These meditations cause a deep cleansing of emotions and behavior, and directly impact affective and social relationships. As a result, it is possible to treat phobias, obsessions, anxieties, fears and other difficulties that affect human well-being relationships.

You will have the opportunity to connect with your sacred aspect: clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, psychic projections, energetic relationships on various levels; to mobilize the Kundalini energy from the first chakra (Muladhara) to the seventh (Saashara), achieving the transcendent use of the senses. You will experience meditations aimed at opening and expanding the heart, love, trust and self-esteem.

The Dynamics

The tantric meditations we apply are chosen according to the needs of the participants. When the person signs up to participate, he / she receives an online form (confidential) where he / she will describe the aspects he / she wants or needs to solve in order to transcend a new life condition.

Many people present themselves with special needs such as depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, loneliness, panic syndromes (moderate), emotional, affective or chemical dependence (drugs and medication), among others. Our groups help people achieve their physical, mental and emotional balance.

The fact that we remain full time, fully immersed in the work for the entire weekend, provides greater integration between the participants and a great deepening of the work.

Participation is free for anyone over the age of 18.

*Healing your heart
The hurt and guilt for the past and the anxiety and insecurity for the future take away from us the experience of Peace in the present. What are the keys to freeing your heart?

*You are the Problem and You are the Solution
Whatever you do, feel or think... You will be there, making things easier or more complicated, enjoying or suffering from life's experiences...

*Karma, Free Will and Destiny
How to deal with a world, a body and a mind in a constant state of transformation, escaping the control of your will? How to get rid of Karma? What are the limits of your free will?

*The Holy Daily Rush
Life as an offering of love, deposited at the feet of the Infinite.

*Nothing is worthwhile if your heart is not at peace
When you are centered in peace, you can handle life's challenges. How to keep that peace constantly pulsing in your chest?

* Untying Heart Knots
How to deal with your emotions, releasing your innate ability to create a healthy way of life, where fullness can be experienced on a daily basis?

* Meditation and Quality of Life
You can gain the keys to living a meaningful life of deep personal and spiritual fulfillment.

* These themes are not sequential and can be done in any order.

Yes, I want to sign up!


13 to 15/Dec/2024
start Friday 19h, end Sunday 18h


Estrada do Monjolinho - 120km from São Paulo
Comunna - Itapeva / MG


Investment: R $ 1.280,00
* See other payment options
*Includes ovo-lacto-vegetarian food
*Comfortably shared hosting


Reserve your spot here