Depoimento de Christine
This experience with Deepak has been profoundly transformative in ways so incredibly potent that I can barely explain.
It feels like a powerful portal that unleashes a creative and brilliantly expansive internal force and releases any and all subconscious blockages I had no real way to let go of on such a deep level. Consequently, I am drastically changing into my authentic self; tapping into an endless fountain of wisdom and grounded confidence that is new to me, so needed and so welcome! I could not acheive this even when I tried to train my mind and thoughts to create a better experience.
Thoughts do create but they are just seeds. If the very soil in which I plant them is rancid and malnourished, the garden of my life cannot grow to its capacity. That "soil" is what I connect with and heal through tantric massage. It has been an intense and extremely empowering process that Deepak leads and facilitates it in such a way that it explodes and flourishes into my new reality almost effprtlessly. A cleansing of what does not serve me; of what is not true for me and what does not honor my true self. It is an awakening.
It has revealed so much. So much as been brought to the surface and cleared away. I cried, I screamed, I was taken into deep and hidden, cobwebbed corners of my subconscious that I realize controled my perception and experience. It has been a process of spiritual, emotional, and physical cleansing, centering and supreme empowerment.
It has given birth to a creative power and passion beyond my previous grasp or capacity. After the first session I felt an overwhelming love for myself, a vibration all through my torso that pasionately enveloped my heart center; similar to when you have a huge crush on someone -except it's stronger than that and it's YOU!!!
That is what Deepak has given me though this experience. His impeccable professionalism, total trustworthiness, shear talent and attentive expertise has made this journey into myself (and expansion into the world) so worthwhile and magnificent. THANK YOU DEEPAK!! From the bottom of my heart.
Conheça o instrutor desta atividade:
Baiano de Salvador, pai de três meninos e a luz que afasta as trevas.Muito prazer, sou Deepak Nishanto. Nasci Marcel Suzart, mas renasci no Tantra com esse nome e uma certeza: o amor MUDA tudo.Agregar pessoas, colecionar vivências e informações, trocar experiências.O Tantra mudou minha [...]
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